Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

These pullets were shipped as day old chicks and were supposed to be blue wheaten ameraucanas. I chatted with the breeder recently and she said it looks like her splash ameraucana roo may be the father.

So just a few questions because I'm wanting to educate myself - are any of these pure ameraucanas? And is there a such thing as a splash ameraucana. I'm aware that in order to be considered a true ameraucana, they must fit in to a colour category...

These pullets were shipped as day old chicks and were supposed to be blue wheaten ameraucanas. I chatted with the breeder recently and she said it looks like her splash ameraucana roo may be the father.

So just a few questions because I'm wanting to educate myself - are any of these pure ameraucanas? And is there a such thing as a splash ameraucana. I'm aware that in order to be considered a true ameraucana, they must fit in to a colour category...

All are EE.... sorry. Yes there are Splash Ameraucanas. BBS breed the same in Ameraucanas. Splash is not an approved color but is not in most breeds.
They aren't really chocolate, just a brown color.

I think alot of the buff ameraucanas carry dun and partridge. I've hatched alot of chicks with partridge like markings on them through the years. These chicks always are sold as layers.

I think the lighter colored one will be wheaten.

The girls started laying already, but are still in quarantine.

Keep us posted on how the little ones turn out, I bet they will pretty neat looking.
I had a feeling getting chocolate wasn't that easy!
I wondered if the color in the pullets tail was Dun or Khaki. My Meredith buffs look to carry dun and the Blehm buffs the partridge according to the chicks I have hatched from them.

The girls must be happy at their new home to be laying already! That is good to hear
Do you have pictures of the hen with "Khaki" in her tail? Are you sure if it is in fact Khaki... a.k.a homozygous Dun?

If she is carrying the Dun gene and she is pure for it (2 copies) breeding her to a Black (or Blue) bird (Wheaten in this case) has the potential to yield some Dun chicks, depending on how the genes mix. Dun can look a lot like Chocolate but is technically different from sex linked Chocolate (Choc).
Either way... AWESOME!
Please do keep us informed on what these little buggers grow into! I would be very interested to see if they are Dun and what they will look like when mature. I've been fantasizing for awhile now about solid colored Dun and Khaki Ameraucanas.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for updates.
Thanks Jeremy
It was a fun surprise even if they aren't chocolate since I thought I would hatch out the usual buff colored chicks.

This one pullet that is momma to these chicks was colored much different than her other two sisters that ended up solid buff colored. Here are some pictures of her when she was a chick (the one in the middle) and another picture when she was around 17 weeks old. See how dark her legs are and her down color has very different also.

OK wow, there are a lot of pages to try and get caught up on! But I'll start here :)

I have two nearly two week old White Ameraucanas. They are the funniest little things I've seen! They *literally* run circles around the SLW I have with them.

Anyway, I am very interested in learning all I can about them, so I will be starting at the beginning of this monster thread and working my way through! Can't wait to "meet" you all :)
Those are some lovely EEs. They are going to be beautiful. Nice leg color. Should definitely join the EE thread.

Thanks! I've been on the EE thread since they were chicks, but since talking to the breeder, I thought that I'd better check it out again with you guys! One of her other roos must have crossed pens :)

I'd say it looks like there's a good chance she's carrying the Dun gene! She's a pretty girl.

Do you have any solid Black (or Blue) roos? Putting one over her would increase your odds of hatching solid Dun chicks (solid chocolate colored) The would probably have some color leakage due to whatever else she is carrying but that can be cleaned up in subsequent generations. All you need is 1 solid-ish (
) Dun bird, then you can outcross and outcross and outcross to Blacks until you get the color right.
I'm jealous!

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