Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds




Yes. This thread is about Ameraucanas. The breed. Meaning breed specific. Not EEs. Not what you call pure, but color crossed non-APA / non-SOP approved - well, you can but I have yet to see anyone overly helpful because their is nothing to discuss. You are not improving the breed, you are just causing more problems. We are not questioning the SOP. We are trying to get varieties / colors (that breed true) approved. I just covered this topic. I am a fresh Ameraucana breeder (less than 2yrs into this) and I understand the frustration over this topic. It's like those who want to make a quick buck over pure non-standard variety/colored Ameraucanas that really have no purpose being bred but to make money off of the eggs! You want to raise mutts, then do it but don't advertise them as show quality birds when they are not! Don't expect a real breeder to consider them as anything more than what they are, either. If you want validation, you won't get it.

I am not trying to be rude, but it is what it is.

Oh my goodness! This thread is for discussing everything about Ameraucanas. Maybe there needs to be a thread specifically aimed at APA birds and people who want to discuss only them. I'm pretty sure I asked a breed specific question, that is relevant to this thread. On every other breed specific thread I am subscribed to people welcome discussing the SOP and non-APA birds and why they are considered such. I don't even breed Ameraucanas, so you can stop all of the finger pointing and exasperated emoticons! I have never felt so unwelcome for simply bringing up an apparently controversial topic. I have been nothing but civil to other subscribers on this thread. It seems like there is a lot of confusion over this topic. While I am fairly new to chickens I am quite proficient when it come to genetic principles and have taken many college courses on the subject, just pertaining to different production animals. I was thinking about purchasing some of these birds, but now I think I may steer clear of them. The one opinion I voiced was that in other SOP's for other breeds of chickens, when you breed a hen to a cockerel of the same breed the resulting offspring is considered said breed. Quality as it pertains to the SOP of that breed can be debatable based on the physical characteristics it displays. Some will be show quality, some won't. I wanted to know why this doesn't apply to Ameraucanas as well. I never said anything about trying to make a quick buck, or unethical breeders that raise poor quality birds. I wanted to understand the breed better before I dove into something that I might regret later.
You know, I am sorry you feel unwelcomed. Not all of that was directed at you. I am all for people learning. But this topic has been beaten to a pulp and some just do not stop harping on it. It really does tick me off because I am just starting and because of people breeding for egg color has cost me a fortune. I had to go and re-buy most of my flock this year. I have a personal vendetta against people NOT breeding toward the SOP. And them some on here justify their mixing colors "They are pure, from pure parents". So what if they are. So what if they have the perfect proverbial type. Try showing them with unrecognized colors once. Bet that doesn't go far.

You said you wanted to learn but when you got your answers, it seemed like it wasn't what you wanted to hear and contested it.

As I said. I was not being rude but it is what it is.
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You know, I am sorry you feel unwelcomed. Not all of that was directed at you. I am all for people learning. But this topic has been beaten to a pulp and some just do not stop harping on it. It really does tick me off because I am just starting and because of people breeding for egg color has cost me a fortune. I had to go and re-buy most of my flock this year. I have a personal vendetta against people NOT breeding toward the SOP. And them some on here justify their mixing colors "They are pure, from pure parents". So what if they are. So what if they have the perfect proverbial type. Try showing them with unrecognized colors once. Bet that doesn't go far.

You said you wanted to learn but when you got your answers, it seemed like it wasn't what you wanted to hear and contested it.

As I said. I was not being rude but it is what it is.
I understand were all of you are coming from. To some people this is a completelry new topic, they aren't harping on it( although im sure peple have in the past) Some people just don't have time to read through all of the pages of this thread, but want to understand why their birds aren't what they thought they were. And i had to rebuy a lot of my birds not to breed but to show. It was kind of a pain but kind of fu at the same time. For me it took a while to figure what i wanted to get, find good prices, etc.
The KEY word is BREED there is a BREED of Ameraucanas that meets the standards and then there are mixed birds that are not a breed like EE or Olive Eggers or any other cross they are NOT a breed.... they are a cross. They will not breed true.
Why don't a few of the experienced folks here make a thread that is a sticky that covers this topic in full. And make it a closed thread.

Then when someone new comes here--with valid questions--they can be given the link to read the full story there.

That way it won't need to discussed on this thread so often.
I have only had my AMs [from a breeder off the ABC site] for about 10 months and I've seen this come up here at least 3-4 times.

It is hard for the veterans to see it come up so often BUT it is confusing to new chicken owners who think they have an AM when it is actually an EE. No wonder they have a lot of frustration and questions.

So to help them AND to not drive others here crazy, maybe make a new closed thread that explains and answers it all.
Why don't a few of the experienced folks here make a thread that is a sticky that covers this topic in full. And make it a closed thread.

Then when someone new comes here--with valid questions--they can be given the link to read the full story there.

That way it won't need to discussed on this thread so often.
I have only had my AMs [from a breeder off the ABC site] for about 10 months and I've seen this come up here at least 3-4 times.

It is hard for the veterans to see it come up so often BUT it is confusing to new chicken owners who think they have an AM when it is actually an EE. No wonder they have a lot of frustration and questions.

So to help them AND to not drive others here crazy, maybe make a new closed thread that explains and answers it all.
That is a great idea i agree, someone should do that.
I'm not going to look up as to when the first edition of the Standard of Perfection was issued. Well over one hundred years. The reason this book was published was to guide "Breeders" . Each breed has certain traits that are what has been accepted as the standard for that breed. I mean that is like taking a "polish" crossing the crest out of the birds, but still calling them polish? Having silkies, with out black skin and meat? Its the standard accepted for those breeds. They have to have those traits, if they don't, they have no name. Ameraucana's have certain accepted colors, listed in the "SOP". Other colors are being worked on and may take several years to be accepted in the "SOP", that is why they call them "projects" In time they will be accepted and placed in the "SOP". Accepted colors in the Ameraucana breed, that are crossed or crossed with other breeds of chickens have been given a name. Easter Egger, it is something used to call birds that do not fall in to a correct color classification. Just because a bird has a beard and muffs does not make it a correct colored Ameraucana. There are other breeds that have beards.

If you have one of these colors that is not in the "SOP", get to work on in, when you get the color to breed true all the time, and spend the time and money going to shows to get that color accepted in to the SOP. Then you will be able to call that color "Ameraucana".
Buy the Standard of Perfection, read and study it, or read an older version on line.

Off current topic (yay)...

I am getting bantam Ameraucana eggs in BBS & Lav! So, hopefully I'll have a new little flock of Ameraucanas in about a month!
I was itching for a new breed or color. My options were Tolbunt Polish, GL English Orps, Crele English Orps, BLR Wyandottes, Columbian bantam Wyandottes or Partridge bantam Wyandottes.

Somehow bantam Ams won and they weren't even an option!​
Why don't a few of the experienced folks here make a thread that is a sticky that covers this topic in full. And make it a closed thread.

Then when someone new comes here--with valid questions--they can be given the link to read the full story there.

That way it won't need to discussed on this thread so often.
I have only had my AMs [from a breeder off the ABC site] for about 10 months and I've seen this come up here at least 3-4 times.

It is hard for the veterans to see it come up so often BUT it is confusing to new chicken owners who think they have an AM when it is actually an EE. No wonder they have a lot of frustration and questions.

So to help them AND to not drive others here crazy, maybe make a new closed thread that explains and answers it all.

This is such an excellent idea that I want to proclaim you King/Queen of the Internet today!

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