Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Someone needs to bust this variety out of obscurity and sell eggs around the county to anyone who wants them and has pen space.

I wrote to Mike to find out more. Whats one more variety? I am already fighting with Blue Wheatens/Wheatens. At least I know where there is a rooster if I need to sell my soul for one (if ever I need new blood or better type).
I wrote to Mike to find out more. Whats one more variety? I am already fighting with Blue Wheatens/Wheatens. At least I know where there is a rooster if I need to sell my soul for one (if ever I need new blood or better type).
This thread is for standard/project bred birds, Ameraucana. It is for nothing more or nothing less.

Yes, all things Ameraucana, as per the ABC site's definition. Those birds that do not fit in the breed's definition of Ameraucana can be discussed on other threads. Not that they're not nice birds perhaps, just this isn't their thread.

If the definition of Ameraucana is upsetting or frustrating, this is not the place to change that anyway. Go to the ABC site and discuss those issues with the breed's officers.
I agree! I would LOVE to see the brown-reds get more popular. Seems to me there used to be somebody in Tennessee, maybe in the Knoxville area, that was a member of the ABC and listed brown-red as one of their colours. Maybe the APA National being there next year might help to get some of them distributed to a few more people?
For those who wish to discuss non-standard bred Ameraucanas with like minded people, start your own thread and invite those who who will tell you what you want to hear to join you. That is the beauty of BYC. I believe there is a project Ameraucana thread somewhere, and a Lavender Ameraucana breeders thread.

"The Non-standard bred Ameraucana Thread" for those who want validation for their birds.
I get tickled at some of the reactions here when they post a picture of their bird and, expecting huge kudos for a beautiful Ameraucana, are disappointed when they learn their, still beautiful, bird is an EE or OE. I've been where those folks are - some may remember that gorgeous rooster I posted about last year - buff color with a blue tail - and I asked what was he.

Well - the answers were disappointing, but since I asked, I had to accept the answers. That roo was removed from the breeding pen and sent to freezer camp.

On another occasion, I had just hatched out 4 beautiful little "Ameraucana" chicks from my lovely little wheaten Ameraucana hens that I had just purchased. Posted pictures of them here to brag about my first Ameraucanas. Same story - chipmunk striping grows up to be nice little EEs. Those three hens were removed from the breeding pen, though I kept a couple of the daughters for my egg layers pen.

Someone told me once, "If you can't handle the answers, don't ask the question."

I paid dearly for those mistakes, but the learning experience was priceless.
For those who wish to discuss non-standard bred Ameraucanas with like minded people, start your own thread and invite those who who will tell you what you want to hear to join you. That is the beauty of BYC. I believe there is a project Ameraucana thread somewhere, and a Lavender Ameraucana breeders thread.

"The Non-standard bred Ameraucana Thread" for those who want validation for their birds.

No need to start more threads EE thread already exist

Here is a link to the EE Club

Please don't start this fussing on the Lavender breeders page.

The Lav thread already seems to have like-minded breeders. I mostly just lurk there, as that variety is on my elimination bubble. My Blacks are my focus in Ams for now.

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