Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

You might find you don't get a whole lot of support from the Ameraucana breeders here since we are the ones objecting to the use of the name "Ameraucana" with non-standard birds.

This thread is not just about "advanced learning". We simply insist that it remains about Ameraucanas.

Like I have said before, this seems to be a very divided issue among backyard owners and breeders alike. All I am trying to do is provide a solution to the problem. People need to understand everything about the breed, including the controversy over what to call non-standard birds and why they are considered such. So I created a thread where hopefully this subject can be discussed in a positive manner while other topics can continue to be discussed on this thread without interruption.
As much as we may dislike the constant repetition, this EE/Ameraucana issue is likely never going to go away - especially if we don't take the time to explain it to them in a civilized and convincing manner. Every day somebody is being sold an Easter Egger bearing the name "Ameraucana". Those folks are entitled to an explanation about why we aren't welcoming them warmly and with open arms. By being short with them or even worse, ignoring them altogether, we do come off as a bunch of elitist snobs which I don't think does any of us any favours. Many of us were in the same boat not that long ago and somebody took the time to explain it to us.

Many of the folks that go to the expense and trouble to work with "purebreds" in any species look down their noses at the "mutts" and often object to the breed name being used when the stock isn't worthy. It isn't just Ameraucana folks. We just seem to be more publicly vocal about it. I agree with you, it is GREAT that we have this swanky name, Easter Eggers, to label our non-standard mutts. My egg customers are MUCH happier getting eggs from the EEs and Olive Eggers, and they love seeing all the pretty coloured birds running around the yard. The name "Ameraucana" doesn't mean a thing to them.

Maybe you could post what you know about the APA standard for Ameraucanas on the thread I posted. I think all information and opinions will be helpful to people new to the breed.
I don't mind helping but in the last few pages people that were explained to and when they got an answer they did not like it, got ticked and then fought with us defending their point with their ideas on the subject that we all know do not hold up with real breeders! If people would grow the heck up and listen to what they are told instead of constantly posting the same stuff and then fighting with us, maybe this wouldn't be such a fiasco. The section I wrote that was quoted I wrote so when someone asks, we can post that, they can go and look at the ABC page and read the EE thread - more links can be added if needed. If they still have questions after getting an education, then come back. I am NOT wasting my time on this subject anymore. I left this thread for months because the thread gets nowhere! You can't learn anything on here when the same topic is fought over every 5-10 pages! My goodness. I am hear to learn about AMERAUCANAS. Seems EEs are all this thread is really about. And people trying to validate their mutts.

Jean, Heatherscooby, Harry and those of you who have a plethora of valuable information, you are the reason I am here. Your knowledge is invaluable and it is upsetting to see this thread as it is.
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Like I have said before, this seems to be a very divided issue among backyard owners and breeders alike. All I am trying to do is provide a solution to the problem. People need to understand everything about the breed, including the controversy over what to call non-standard birds and why they are considered such. So I created a thread where hopefully this subject can be discussed in a positive manner while other topics can continue to be discussed on this thread without interruption.

I'm pretty much a lurker on this thread but am learning a lot about the breed. (if you can get through all of the squabbling) I'm so glad there is going to be another thread for this argument and we can stop beating this dead horse!
I commend all of the experienced breeders on here for their patience.
I'm pretty much a lurker on this thread but am learning a lot about the breed. (if you can get through all of the squabbling) I'm so glad there is going to be another thread for this argument and we can stop beating this dead horse!
I commend all of the experienced breeders on here for their patience.

Thank you for your support. That is all I am trying to do by creating another Ameraucana thread. I'm not trying to start another argument. Just trying to provide a solution to this obvious problem.
Unfortunately, there are always going to be the ones that refuse to be educated no matter how hard we try thus, there will always be Easter Eggers sold as Ameraucanas and the angst will continue.
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Like I have said before, this seems to be a very divided issue among backyard owners and breeders alike. All I am trying to do is provide a solution to the problem. People need to understand everything about the breed, including the controversy over what to call non-standard birds and why they are considered such. So I created a thread where hopefully this subject can be discussed in a positive manner while other topics can continue to be discussed on this thread without interruption.
Discus what you please. Just don't expect anyone to change their stance. Oh, and then try to explain to the 4-H kid whose bird gets DQ'd at the fair, how the bird they bought as an Ameraucana is but isn't.
Discus what you please. Just don't expect anyone to change their stance. Oh, and then try to explain to the 4-H kid whose bird gets DQ'd at the fair, how the bird they bought as an Ameraucana is but isn't.
I'm sure there are people out there trying to make a quick buck selling their unsuspecting buyers sub-standard birds that would be DQ'd at a show. I think the majority of people just don't know and haven't educated themselves. All the hatchery catalogs that have Ameraucanas listed for sale that I have seen, clearly state they should not be shown by 4-H members. The only site where I have seen Ameraucanas listed as show quality are the Ameraucana hatching eggs for sale on My Pet Chicken. If those turned out to be non-APA birds then that is false advertisement. If a person gets DQ'd at a show, they probably haven't done their research on the breed or read the standard of perfection for that specific breed. Right now it is not only the fault of breeders, but buyers as well. There seems to be more "impulse buying" associated with this breed. Maybe it's because they lay blue eggs? I don't know. Even the feed store my husband bought ours from were listed as Ameraucanas/EE's and because I had done some research, I knew what we were getting. I knew they were EE's and am happy to have them. With any young breed I think it is necessary for prospective buyers to educate themselves to the best of their ability before purchasing their birds. It would be just as easy to be duped into buying a substandard bird of any other breed and being DQ'd at a show. Even young children in 4-H need to learn self-accountability. 4-H is such a wonderful program not only because it educates our children about animals but because of the wonderful life lessons it teaches them. Sad as it is some breeders will lie to buyers to make a buck, regardless of if that buyer is a child. It's just life, and sometimes life can be harsh. I hope my boys have the opportunity to fail from time to time as they grow up, and I'm sure like the rest of us, they will. There are no greater lessons to be learned than the ones we have achieved through our own shortcomings.

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