Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Hello Everyone,
I am getting 36 hatching eggs from Mason Creek Farms, in B/BL/SPL from 3 different pens... any suggestions on where else I should purchase eggs in those colors (well blue and black mostly)? I want to have as large a selection as possible because I only intend to go into the winter with a core of 12 birds, 2 roos and 10 pullets, and want to have a large number to select the best possible stock from. I currently raise Salmon Faverolles LF so I am no stranger to selecting breeding stock or interpreting the SOP... just want to stack the deck in my favor for nice birds to work with. Any and all help/suggestions are welcome

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Hello Everyone,
I am getting 36 hatching eggs from Mason Creek Farms, in B/BL/SPL from 3 different pens... any suggestions on where else I should purchase eggs in those colors (well blue and black mostly)? I want to have as large a selection as possible because I only intend to go into the winter with a core of 12 birds, 2 roos and 10 pullets, and want to have a large number to select the best possible stock from. I currently raise Salmon Faverolles LF so I am no stranger to selecting breeding stock or interpreting the SOP... just want to stack the deck in my favor for nice birds to work with. Any and all help/suggestions are welcome ;)


Welcome aboard!
I am all for hatching eggs from known sources of the real thing, but even better is chicks. I would highly suggest buying from Paul and Angela Smith in TX. John Blehm and Jean Ribbick (pips&peeps here on the forums) are also great people to buy from.
Welcome aboard!
I am all for hatching eggs from known sources of the real thing, but even better is chicks. I would highly suggest buying from Paul and Angela Smith in TX. John Blehm and Jean Ribbick (pips&peeps here on the forums) are also great people to buy from.

I am a HUGE fan of Jean's LF Blues (pips&peeps) although I understand she may not be as thrilled with her current blue stock as I am. However, she is still a person to contact for direction.

Thanks guys... any links to sales pages or contact info? I am really hoping for eggs... I would consider chicks, but the cost and number required for shipping would make them a bit of a financial challenge for me.

sorry about the poor quotes- stupid multi-quote would not work
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I'm thinking and wishing there was a way to get after the hatcheries to STOP using Ameraucana OR Amer-i-cana to describe a cross bred bird that lays colored eggs. Is there no recourse?

Can THIS existing Ameraucana thread be renamed to include the word PUREBRED in it somewhere? I admit I was one who tortured all the purebred breeders here with the age old, and very tiring subject. I was trying to learn. After hangin' around for a year, and having true breeders help out the novice in me. Now... I admire the pure breeders for sticking to their guns because your experience is important to me. I may never show, but I still want the knowledge of what's needed to produce an excellent type purebred bird. I like to have good stock, I also like to know I have a place to ask questions the questions of a "newbie"... So maybe we need a "Newbie" thread? I dunno the answers, but it IS hard to know what questions I can ask without having to read through thousands of posts... literally tens of thousands of posts!

There is already a project thread, but from what I've read there, most people understand the rules of the purebreds. I hope we can figure this out together. The experienced and the inexperienced both need a good place to go to teach and to learn. So yes, links to repetitive
information is an excellent idea. Then any of us who know where that info is can guide others to it. You sent me to the ABC site, I went, I read, I looked at pictures, and reread and relooked until I'm pretty sure that I "Get It" now. I better, I've picked a color (or two) to breed.

Here's some basic info on false advertising laws, which is what hatcheries do when they sell a mixed bird as an Ameraucana:

Private parties, such as consumers or competitors, can file a complaint for false advertising under the Lanham Act. To establish a violation under the Lanham Act, consumers and competitors must prove the following: (1) the advertiser made false statements of fact about its product; (2) the false advertisements actually deceived or had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of the target population; (3) the deception was material; (4) the falsely advertised product was sold in interstate commerce; and (5) the party bringing the lawsuit (plaintiff) was injured as a result of the deception. Injury is construed as a likelihood of injury, rather than actual injury.
Adding the word "purebred" isn't going to solve the problem because we all believed at one point that we WERE purchasing purebreds. And because of "buyer beware" and the fact that we didn't do our homework, we really don't have any recourse nor were we truly injured or materially harmed.
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But therein lies the problem because as soon as anyone tries to tell them they have something (anything: EE, mutt, non-standard, junk, cull, hatchery, penguin, etc.) other than what they believe they have (i.e. Ameraucanas - because that's what the guy selling them the birds told them they were buying), nicely or otherwise, they argue and object and the EE debate is on yet again. The regulars are frustrated because they've been there, done that. The newcomer is ****** because they bought "Ameraucanas" and we hot-head, mean, unfriendly, know it alls here on BYC are trying to tell them they didn't buy what they KNOW they bought.

And so it goes ....


Yes! It's sad for all.
I seem to be missing some sort of arguement. Oh well, It's good to be back again. (I certainly don't hate EEs, on the contrary I think they're very unique and beautiful. I have an equal amount of respect for EEs and Ameraucanas, they're both great in their own rights)

Anywho, I'm certainly not likely to have been remembered on this thread, So I'll reintroduce!
I used to breed Black Ameraucanas for a while, but my progress was quickly halted by a predator that broke in and killed my stock. (Phooey. I had just grabbed best of class with my birds too. Oh well...)
Well, I'm back into birds again. It was an accident, I swear, But I picked up a pair of Buff LF and a pair of Wheaton bantams. Will post pics when I get them cleaned up. They could use a good molt. (I think previous owner kept the bantams indoors all their life, possibly in wire enclosures. Their nails are extremely long and their feet are a bit wonky)
Welcome back! I'm new (about a year) and hope you can step over the "Dead Horse" and have a great time! LOL!
Hello Everyone,
I am getting 36 hatching eggs from Mason Creek Farms, in B/BL/SPL from 3 different pens... any suggestions on where else I should purchase eggs in those colors (well blue and black mostly)? I want to have as large a selection as possible because I only intend to go into the winter with a core of 12 birds, 2 roos and 10 pullets, and want to have a large number to select the best possible stock from. I currently raise Salmon Faverolles LF so I am no stranger to selecting breeding stock or interpreting the SOP... just want to stack the deck in my favor for nice birds to work with. Any and all help/suggestions are welcome


Sandi has wonderful show-quality Salmon Faverolles! Gorgeous birds.
Adding the word "purebred" isn't going to solve the problem because we all believed at one point that we WERE purchasing purebreds. And because of "buyer beware" and the fact that we didn't do our homework, we really don't have any recourse nor were we truly injured or materially harmed.

Well, I agree with BarnGoddess01. Adding "Purebred" won't change the people who arrive on this thread thinking they have Ameraucanas. However - adding "SOP" might. All the people on this thread would have to do with anybody showing EEs would be to say "Your bird does not meet the Standard of Perfection and isn't an accepted color. Please visit the Ameraucana Club website and get more information"... Any birds that are obviously Hatchery EEs can be directed to the EE thread - and there they can learn about their birds without hurt feelings.

Unfortunately the false advertising doesn't work against the Hatcheries either - or they wouldn't be able to sell Rhode Island Reds (that aren't) or Barred Rocks either. You pay low dollar for a hatchery bred bird that has some characteristics in common with the breed you think you are buying. That they really aren't a good representation of that breed (and/or ARE NOT that breed) is negated in the "Cannot be used for 4H or shown" lines in almost all their birds. That removes any possible charge of "false advertising". If you read that line and bought them anyway, then you got what you paid for.
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