Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Well, I agree with BarnGoddess01. Adding "Purebred" won't change the people who arrive on this thread thinking they have Ameraucanas. However - adding "SOP" might. All the people on this thread would have to do with anybody showing EEs would be to say "Your bird does not meet the Standard of Perfection and isn't an accepted color. Please visit the Ameraucana Club website and get more information"... Any birds that are obviously Hatchery EEs can be directed to the EE thread - and there they can learn about their birds without hurt feelings.

Unfortunately the false advertising doesn't work against the Hatcheries either - or they wouldn't be able to sell Rhode Island Reds (that aren't) or Barred Rocks either. You pay low dollar for a hatchery bred bird that has some characteristics in common with the breed you think you are buying. That they really aren't a good representation of that breed (and/or ARE NOT that breed) is negated in the "Cannot be used for 4H or shown" lines in almost all their birds. That removes any possible charge of "false advertising". If you read that line and bought them anyway, then you got what you paid for.

Got it.
Oh well. How to make them stop.....
The only way to make them stop is for everybody to stop buying their chicks or for everybody who does buy them to complain. I watched the name change from Auracana to Auracana/Americauna because tons of customers contacted the Hatcheries and said "these are NOT Auracanas, they have TAILS!" Soooo... the hatcheries sort of stole the name Ameraucana, some changed it to Americauna, and continued selling the chicks.

Some hatcheries have changed the name, or at least added "Easter Egger" to their name. This was done because of customer complaints. If you want to make a difference, everybody contact them - multiple times!
That should be our clue but folks are always going to look for the best price and will assume "Joe Blow", the REAL breeder, (like me now!) is charging too much for his (or her) birds. Quality of the stock won't enter into their calculations when their dollars are at stake. The Skeptic in me says nothing will ever change. I truly hope you guys can prove me wrong!
OK, no dead horse pics this time. I'm sorry if that offended anyone.

I like most people got my first EEs from someone on craigslist selling Ameraucanas. I had them for a month before I started realizing I didn't have Ameraucanas, I had EEs. I googled Ameraucanas and got all colors including many EEs that were on there as Ameraucanas. I got on BYC and started reading and realized the difference pretty quickly. I wasn't mad or heart broken and chalked it up as another lesson. I DARN sure wasn't going to argue with the people that were obviously much more experienced than me. It all made sense anyway.
I have been reading all of the threads for Ameraucanas for 7 months. I read about Lavender Ameraucanas and had to have them. I knew they were not accepted yet but loved the Idea of working with a breed that Maybe I could also help move forward. I went to the ABC website breeder page, looked up a breeder near me and lucked into a wonderful deal. You can call the Lavs projects, EEs, mutts whatever, that's the least of my worries. I've seen a lot of people question the Am vs EE thing and most get it. Some get their feelings hurt some don't, they chalk it up to another lesson. It just seems that a couple of people just didn't want to get it or just like to push buttons maybe, but it gets the thread distracted from what its here for. How many pages were dedicated to this last go round?
I love my EEs too, I plan on breeding them this summer and will be posting on the EE threads.

Thanks for the ongoing learning experience!

Ok. Ranting here. I have to say, I think many folks here may need to look for a reality pill. I remember how THRILLED I was to finally find "Ameraucanas" from a hatchery in Canada. I proudly posted pictures on this very thread never doubting for a minute that what I had were Ameraucanas. It wouldn't have occurred to me in a million years to look for a button or instructions about whether or not I was really welcome here. I bought "Ameraucanas". Of course, I belonged here. Post away. The guy who sold me the birds told me they were Ameraucanas. He was a professional. He couldn't possibly be wrong. And I was SO proud to finally be a part of the blue egg Ameraucana crowd. Thankfully, that was many years ago because it seems, the folks here on this thread were more tolerant then. I was informed immediately that my birds were, in fact, Easter Eggers. I was crushed. I argued, I questioned - even took on Jean herself and questioned the ABC, but I was tolerated and my questions were addressed. I have since been educated and hooked up with some very nice genuine Ameraucanas. (And I still have most of those original EEs AND some of their daughters!)

I hate to think the folks on this thread have given up on helping to educate the masses, even if it is tiresome. It is FAR from flogging a dead horse when the issue arises anew on an almost daily basis. That horse is alive and well and still needs some guidance, tolerance, and understanding.
100% agree
I believe this is the most logical thing I have read about this issue.
OK, no dead horse pics this time. I'm sorry if that offended anyone.

I like most people got my first EEs from someone on craigslist selling Ameraucanas. I had them for a month before I started realizing I didn't have Ameraucanas, I had EEs. I googled Ameraucanas and got all colors including many EEs that were on there as Ameraucanas. I got on BYC and started reading and realized the difference pretty quickly. I wasn't mad or heart broken and chalked it up as another lesson. I DARN sure wasn't going to argue with the people that were obviously much more experienced than me. It all made sense anyway.
I have been reading all of the threads for Ameraucanas for 7 months. I read about Lavender Ameraucanas and had to have them. I knew they were not accepted yet but loved the Idea of working with a breed that Maybe I could also help move forward. I went to the ABC website breeder page, looked up a breeder near me and lucked into a wonderful deal. You can call the Lavs projects, EEs, mutts whatever, that's the least of my worries. I've seen a lot of people question the Am vs EE thing and most get it. Some get their feelings hurt some don't, they chalk it up to another lesson. It just seems that a couple of people just didn't want to get it or just like to push buttons maybe, but it gets the thread distracted from what its here for. How many pages were dedicated to this last go round?
I love my EEs too, I plan on breeding them this summer and will be posting on the EE threads.

Thanks for the ongoing learning experience!

That completely cracked me up.
I nicely wrote that little blurb to use in such cases as you posted, Barn Goddess and my post was attacked! Darned if you do and darned if you don't.

I guess I am the odd person out who did some reading before making a comple butt of myself on this thread. I knew the difference between EE/AmerIcanas, Ameraucanas and even Araucanas.
well most people dont lol.
I did look it up but not close enough as my first chicks looked close to wheaten but were not . they ended up being nice birds and laid a very very green egg.

I think the main key here is finding a way to change what the hatcheries call there easter eggers. It will not solve all the problems but may solve 90% of them.
Most, if not all of your chicken breeds today came from cross breeding, or mutts as some of you on here like to call them, so what is the problem???

Are there any mentors on this thread??? You don;t "mentor" people by insulting them, and no, you don;t call their chickens names. And, if you can;t kindly tell them their birds are not SOP, then refrain from answering thier questions. Let someone who is willing to mentor answer the question. If you are sick of the same question, count to ten, and move on.

if someone wants to breed EE's that is their right!!
We all love our chickens, maybe for different reasons......... But, love them we do!!!
Most, if not all of your chicken breeds today came from cross breeding, or mutts as some of you on here like to call them, so what is the problem???

Are there any mentors on this thread??? You don;t "mentor" people by insulting them, and no, you don;t call their chickens names. And, if you can;t kindly tell them their birds are not SOP, then refrain from answering thier questions. Let someone who is willing to mentor answer the question. If you are sick of the same question, count to ten, and move on.

if someone wants to breed EE's that is their right!!
We all love our chickens, maybe for different reasons......... But, love them we do!!!
I dont think anyone was saying easter eggers shouldnt be breed or called them names. well besides Easter eggers

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