Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I thought the term "EASTER EGGER" was in referance to the color of egg the bird layed. I do use the term, but only in regards to the egg color. NOT the birds themselves.

Same goes for OLIVE EGGER, RAINBOW LAYERS. I would rather use those terms as to call them a cull, trash, or junk.
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Alright, snapped some pics

Wheaten Bantam Pair (these guys look around 2-3 years old) (ignore curious splash silkie in the background)

They look really good LeBlackbird. These birds will always have a special place in my heart
bc keeping the line going keeps memories alive.
Its seems so hard to find Blue Wheaten. This was our roo.
I hope the new guy produces some BW chicks. Good luck with yours.

Cottagegarden, I'll be trying my luck with breeding these this year
If I can get the little hen to lay any eggs!
So far nothing, but as soon as she starts I'll be checking for fertility and then hatching like a madwoman. Hopefully you get eggies too!
I would love to buy/swap for a Blue wheaten pullet so I can make some blues with my little Roo man, best of luck regardless!

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