Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

These were shipped locally, got to us overnight. They came from a breeder a little over an hour away that would not allow us to pick them up like the Rhodebar eggs we got in April. We hatched 8 out of 12 of those. They do not allow other flock owners around their birds.

Love your name - that is what my husband does when he calls his black cochin bantam roos. They get so excited when he does it.
I hope your hatch goes good and thanks. When I was making getting a membership on here it said that I could only use 15 characters so I typed hickens and put as many cs in front of it as I could. i think there are 8 cs. I couldn't think of anything else lol
I would like some help with sex determination. Is this a rooster or pullet. I think it is a Blue Wheaten Rooster but I sometimes look at it and think it may be a pullet. Help please and THANKS in advance!

I would like some help with sex determination. Is this a rooster or pullet. I think it is a Blue Wheaten Rooster but I sometimes look at it and think it may be a pullet. Help please and THANKS in advance!

I am pretty sure it is a rooster. He has that dark area at the base of the neck, and a lot of blue feathers on the back/wing areas. I am hoping its a hen for you, hopefully others will chime in.
I would like some help with sex determination. Is this a rooster or pullet. I think it is a Blue Wheaten Rooster but I sometimes look at it and think it may be a pullet. Help please and THANKS in advance!

100% sure it's a cockerel.

One of my little guys, around the same age.
Since we're on the topic...I have 2 that were sold as 4week old pullets ...I'm curious though because of the dark neck feathers! They were breed from a mixed pen of Blue Wheatens and Blue Splash Wheatens...they're now 6you weeks. Thanks in advance!!

Since we're on the topic...I have 2 that were sold as 4week old pullets ...I'm curious though because of the dark neck feathers! They were breed from a mixed pen of Blue Wheatens and Blue Splash Wheatens...they're now 6you weeks. Thanks in advance!!
I am pretty sure the one on the left is a Splash Wheaten cockerel. For me the splash are a little harder to tell the sex. If you look at the comb, there is 3 raised rows of "peas" on it. Try comparing there legs, if the one on the left has larger legs, then the one on the right I would say you have a pair. The one on the right, I can't see the comb. The coloring is dark on the shoulder/neck area. Not sure at all on that one. Like I said compare the legs. If they are both thicker, I would say two cockerels.
Since we're on the topic...I have 2 that were sold as 4week old pullets ...I'm curious though because of the dark neck feathers! They were breed from a mixed pen of Blue Wheatens and Blue Splash Wheatens...they're now 6you weeks. Thanks in advance!!

I am not seeing anything that screams cockerel. No dark chest feathers.
I would say pullets for now

Note: I am NOT an expert (only had ameraucanas for 3/4 years)
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I've not had mine for super long like I said but I hatched a bunch all at once.

Soldier, yours is a blue wheaten rooster. He'll be stunning. :)

NewbieDoo, yours are all girls. They seem to get a lot of orange at the neck right away and then it softens as they fill in more.

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