Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

My 5 1/2 yr old Ameraucana sisters were retired to the Old Hens' Coop yesterday. Snow and Nora deserve a new rooster-less existence. You can read about it here:

Here is a picture of the sweet old ladies. Gypsy, who is a year older than they are, is already in there.

What a kind and thoughtful person you must be I have always thought that how people treat animals or elderly or anything that cannot take care of it self to be very special people we need more in this world
My w/splash pullet is almost all grown up, even bigger than her mother now and she has been sitting in the nestbox off and on for two days. It's making me crazy! She hasn't laid yet but tries to sneak in on my EE and investigate when she is laying. I want her blue egg so bad its just ridiculous lol

I only have one Ameraucana (of three pullets) laying. Yesterday I noticed the second nest box had been messed up. Yippee, I thought, one of the other pullets is investigating the box. When I looked in it was that same darn cockerel trying to lay an egg. This time, he had one of his buddies in the coop "egging" him on by crowing. The last time that silly cockerel was messing in the nest boxes, my first pullet started to lay. I can only hope it means another might start laying. Those eggs sure are pretty.
How exciting for you! Hiya, friend! Haven't come across you on BYC in awhile!
I've made a few posts about my columbian project birds. But you are right, I haven't been on BYC in a long time. We are still rebuilding after the fire. Have not gotten in the new house yet. If we build until March 2014, we will be building on this project three years and four years out from the fire come April. So, want to get on with life in our own home again and reestablish my birds at the new place. It'll happen!
I've made a few posts about my columbian project birds. But you are right, I haven't been on BYC in a long time. We are still rebuilding after the fire. Have not gotten in the new house yet. If we build until March 2014, we will be building on this project three years and four years out from the fire come April. So, want to get on with life in our own home again and reestablish my birds at the new place. It'll happen!
You had a fire, too???!!!! I'm so sorry! Wow, we had one March 3 this year, but it was only burning 15 minutes before we found it.
Most of the damage was smoke, but had to gut most of the house and were living in an RV for 4 months. I HATE RVs! Hope you get back in soon.
Hey there, need a little help with my chicks. Just started with chickens and so far 2 out of 6 pullets seem to be Roos. Hoping for the best on my 2EE's but any thoughts on the pictures attached. Please tell me it could be a pullet, it's my favorite. It is about 5-6 wks.



Any opinions on the Speckled Sussex in the 2nd photo. I'm assuming roo from other threads. It is about 11 wks. I also like this one a lot, or maybe these 2 just like chicken treats more.
Hey there, need a little help with my chicks. Just started with chickens and so far 2 out of 6 pullets seem to be Roos. Hoping for the best on my 2EE's but any thoughts on the pictures attached. Please tell me it could be a pullet, it's my favorite. It is about 5-6 wks.

Any opinions on the Speckled Sussex in the 2nd photo. I'm assuming roo from other threads. It is about 11 wks. I also like this one a lot, or maybe these 2 just like chicken treats more.

Your bird is a pullet, and she is an EE. Pretty girl - come over and join us on the EE braggers thread!

The Speckled Sussex were really hard for me to tell apart, but I would guess that is a girl. My boys were already getting rooster feathers in by then However, I don't like those thick legs.. so it could go either way.
Just had to share this.. after several years of trying we are FINALLY getting mottled chicks from our mottled ameraucana project

And the egg color is fabulous too!

Must have set 150 eggs last year - and got one chick - the cockerel was infertile, then the coyote attack......

So far this year every single egg has been fertile!! I can't believe it!

HUGE thank you to DAK and Mr. Woodiel

cockerel - split mottled

Mottled Ameraucana Egg with blue marans eggs

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