Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds


This is an americuana I bought a few weeks ago as a hen. Her tail feathers look really different from my other hens. Could she be a he?

I don't know if the picture shows it but this youngster is starting to get lots of red on how neck and back...he is an EE but if the red keeps spreading would his color be called blue wheaten?

The picture is rather dark, but he looks like a blue. A blue with leakage coming through is what you are saying. Not a bird you would want to breed if he is leaky. No, it wouldn't make him a blue wheaten.
Americauna or fowl play?? These are my 2 "Ameracaunas"... Want to know if they are or aren't really. I have come to realize my roo, is an imposter. Maybe an EE or some cross of something. Really disappointed since I bought him believing he was true Ameracauna.

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!!





Are they both males?
The first I'm not sure about. I'm wondering if it is a male splash wheaten. I've seen so few photos of them, I don't really know. Especially when they are still young and growing.
The black looks legit. Is that dirt on the head or just a little bit of leakage? Not that unusual to see some leakage on black males or males in general. It's something breeders work on eliminating.

This is an americuana I bought a few weeks ago as a hen. Her tail feathers look really different from my other hens. Could she be a he?

It looks like an Easter Egger hen. Hopefully you'll get a nice blue or green egg from her. They can lay pink or brown as well.
Are they both males?
The first I'm not sure about. I'm wondering if it is a male splash wheaten. I've seen so few photos of them, I don't really know. Especially when they are still young and growing.
The black looks legit. Is that dirt on the head or just a little bit of leakage? Not that unusual to see some leakage on black males or males in general. It's something breeders work on eliminating.

I believe these are both females... At least I hope so! I didn't picture the roo I referred to in my original post. Here he is...
he seems to have a straight comb, that means he is an EE

Bought him as a chick knowing he was an EE. I was wandering if he is just a leaky blue or if blue wheatens start with barely any red and get more as they mature. If I breed him it will be to a Black Copper Marans for olive eggs or too me splash Ameruacana since I have no Ameruacana roos
Bought him as a chick knowing he was an EE. I was wandering if he is just a leaky blue or if blue wheatens start with barely any red and get more as they mature. If I breed him it will be to a Black Copper Marans for olive eggs or too me splash Ameruacana since I have no Ameruacana roos
Since he is an EE I would not be able to say anything about the blue wheaten being leaky. He seems to be 2nd generation EE so he lost most of his original traits. Also, the blue egg gene and the peacomb usually go together, so if he has a strait comb and not a peacomb he may not have the blue egg genes. If you cross him to your marans the offspring may not lay olive eggs. they would be brown.
Since he is an EE I would not be able to say anything about the blue wheaten being leaky. He seems to be 2nd generation EE so he lost most of his original traits. Also, the blue egg gene and the peacomb usually go together, so if he has a strait comb and not a peacomb he may not have the blue egg genes. If you cross him to your marans the offspring may not lay olive eggs. they would be brown. 

He is either a first generation EE from a laying hen covered by an Ameruacana rooster or he is a second generation from an EE hen covered by an Ameruacana rooster. He was hatched in an incubator and so the breeder wasn't sure which were 3/4 Ameruacanas and which were just 1/2 Ameruacana.
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