Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

It's a male. Females don't come in that color
I traded the gorgeous male for a pullet today. Please tell me this one is a girl. We named her Tallulah. Is she an Ameraucana or an EE? I don't think they're the same age because she's about half the size he was.

Quote: I traded the gorgeous male for a pullet today. Please tell me this one is a girl. We named her Tallulah. Is she an Ameraucana or an EE? I don't think they're the same age because she's about half the size he was.

How old? If it's over 12 weeks, I'd say girl. The EE boys usually have red in the shoulders before that.

Was told these are lavender ameracauna pullets....just looking for opinions...:)

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How old? If it's over 12 weeks, I'd say girl. The EE boys usually have red in the shoulders before that.
I think she's 12 or 13 weeks. The roo we traded her for is on the previous page, he definitely looks like a roo but he was about 15 weeks in that pic. So they are EEs not Ameracuanas?

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