Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I have Black and Lavender Ameraucana's and they are very good layers. They are egg for egg close competition with my Cream Legbars except their eggs are a little smaller than the Legbars. That being said mine prefer not to lay over the winter unless I give them artificial light.

And give that pullet some yummy mealworms she surely deserves it!


Thanks for the reply. I have heard they are pretty good egg layers but didn't expect her to do that well. Her eggs are quite small at the moment, unfortunately the only cockerel that was worth breeding that was her brother roosted outside one night in winter and didn't come back. I was thinking about breeding the best cockerel from a U of A blues line to her in order to further boost production and egg size.
Chickens are so addictive! A chicken friend sent this to me and I thought some of y'all might be able to relate to it as well.

that is totally me
I just got 4 Ameraucana chicks from my local supply store. They got them from Privett Hatchery. Does anyone know what color they will be? They are the cutest chicks Ive ever seen with their puffy cheeks
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