Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

3 rows of peas only tells that they definitely have a proper pea comb, not whether they are boys or girls... they are young and it is hard to tell from these shots, but going by the brighter pink combs, I'd guess that 1, 2, 3, and 5 are cockerels...
Profile pics and natural pics showing them walking around help more, imo... nice birds...
ok thanks, I'll see if I can get some randoms shots, though I'm not sure I can correlate them with with these as far as order. These lil buggers won't hardly stand still long enough to take a good pic! LOL

so the brighter comb is more of an indication? I can't tell any wattles are coming in at all yet, I guess if they'd shave those beards, HA. Seriously though, I took those pics in the coop the morning before I let them out, I then put them one by one out the pop door until I had them all done. Only way I could tell I wasn't getting the same one over and again, LOL.
It was overcast, plus dark in the coop anyway. I'll definitely work on getting some more and better pics and try to focus on heads and profile. Here's a few random shots from around the run later that day:

Ravynfallen, ,thanks for the info. I figured they were EE's. Just wanted someone to clarify. I knew the roos color wasn't right and I'm actually excited to see what he will look when he's older. I had another rooster I gave up to my grandkids and he has gotten just beautiful for a mutt. It's so funny because a couple of the blues I have look just like your chicks other then the leg color. My chicks legs actually have a mix of color. You can see black in them in just a thin line. Thanks again
After reading a few of the posts regarding the color of eggs, I thought I would post a pic of the eggs I just started getting from my girls. I added a few from the "other" ladies for contrast. This is their first lay season and I just love their color. Hopefully it comes out ok.

Hi all, I have some 5 and 6 week old Blue Americauna chicks. I bought these straight run, from Justin Smithey, just north of Calhoun GA. I'm thinking he told me his breeding stock came from Paul Smith??? Anyway, buying straight run I would like some pointers as to determine cockerel or pullet. I've read through a lot of the pages here there and everywhere. The biggest of the chicks actually started showing the comb 'bumps' if you will about 2 1/2 weeks. I'm not trying to jump the gun, if 3 of them are roosters I'll keep one, give one to the daughter/grand daughter who currently doesn't have a rooster at all, and see if I can sell the other one. Here's a few pics and what I think, anyone jump in with what you think please! Did the best I could do by myself, trying to take squirming chicken selfies isn't that easy, HA If the 3 wide comb is a true indication, I have a few boys around, LOL #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 so far, all of these are the 6 week olds. next 2 are 5 weeks old #7 #8 ok so there we are, some of you more knowledgeable ones, see if you agree with me. I think 1, 2, and 5 are roosters. The last two, don't have quite enough bumps yet to tell, but it looks like both of them are pullets. What say ye? and thanks!
I agree, but I think #3 bears watching. Comb looks female, but the back shot looks like there may be some darker cape feathers starting up. So, I would keep an eye on that one because I have seen some very female looking combs on male birds of this breed. One had me fooled all the way to 14 weeks until I saw saddle feathers coming in. When it comes to the blue males, they will start putting in the darker feathers for their cape before saddle feathers, so I use that way to tell also.
I agree, but I think #3 bears watching. Comb looks female, but the back shot looks like there may be some darker cape feathers starting up. So, I would keep an eye on that one because I have seen some very female looking combs on male birds of this breed. One had me fooled all the way to 14 weeks until I saw saddle feathers coming in. When it comes to the blue males, they will start putting in the darker feathers for their cape before saddle feathers, so I use that way to tell also.
thank you! if I wind up with 50/50, that's pretty much what I was told to expect anyway, LOL So one to keep, one to give to my daughters flock and 2 to sell I'm ok with that
After reading a few of the posts regarding the color of eggs, I thought I would post a pic of the eggs I just started getting from my girls. I added a few from the "other" ladies for contrast. This is their first lay season and I just love their color. Hopefully it comes out ok.


Nice color! What variety do you have? I've heard B/B/S often has the best color eggs.
got a few random shots today, didn't get all of them because it started raining.

this one is always the one who will climb into my lap once I sit and get settled:

she (?) don't mind sharing me, as long as she's up there first:

few other random:

here's the most adventurous, always the first to check out something new in the coop or run. An old pool ladder left behind by previous owners was going to go in the scrap metal pile, but hey, why not see if the chicks wanna play on it?

ok so she got down, and another started to come up my leg, she came back and said 'uh uh' LOL

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