Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

So far, looking like pullets... give them about 2 more weeks though... some of the boys don't pink/red up in their combs til about 10 weeks... but looks good so far!
Thanks! I like that opinion! lol! I will update in a couple of weeks!
When will Ameraucana develop their long tail feathers? I have 4 that are 15 weeks-18weeks. Week by week hatching lol. Some combs are a little more red than others and some are bigger than others.
So I got rid of my black AM boy with the gold bleed through and sharp personality .. Got a blue to replace him (different breeder). I know this is a very vague pic but just an idea of his general shape. LOVE his beard, it's much better than the black's was.. And no color bleed that I can find so far. Also so far he's shy and avoids me altogether so we're cool there for now.


Edit: he is four months old so has growing to do yet, but hopefully there are no red flags?
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So, Poppy is one tough little pullet. She is definitely the highest on the pecking order, so it surprises me that she is the second friendliest of my girls. Just behind the Buff Orpington. She loves to sit on my lap and the other night as the girls were putting themselves into the coop for bed, she looked at the coop door, then at me, then at the door and decided she would rather sleep with me....awwww...I did put her with her sisters, but she won alot of brownie points!
Ok guys, got some new pics of my BBS. 3 of them are 8 weeks old, so they are a little bigger, and the other 14 are 5 weeks. It's looking like about 50/50 cockerels to pullets, so if I wind up with 8 or 9 girls I will have a good start

Pretty sure the big blue in this pic is a cockerel. Can't wait to see how the splash feathers out


Beautiful blue cockerel?

I am in love with these birds
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I would say that this is a pullet, too! She's lovely! :) You're probably right on the cockerels for the others too - but I would think that by 14/15 weeks there would be saddle feathers showing up? Fingers crossed you have a few more ladies in there!
I would say that this is a pullet, too! She's lovely! :) You're probably right on the cockerels for the others too - but I would think that by 14/15 weeks there would be saddle feathers showing up? Fingers crossed you have a few more ladies in there!
Thanks! I meant to say that I had 14 chicks that were 5 weeks old. I have guesses on those, but purely by comb develpment. These are my first purebred Ameraucanas, so I'm still learning the peacomb development. I've had EEs for years, but had been searching for some Ameraucanas. I got a great deal on these locally from a woman who ordered their parents directly from Paul Smith, so I have high hopes for these birds
Hi All,

This is my second ameraucana but "she" looks so much different than my first who i am 100% is a hen.
I wanted to see what you guys think and if maybe she is really not a she, she is about 7 weeks old now.
Also if you think you know what my silkie is let me know too (i know they can't be sexed till older)

Thanks in advance!

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Hi All,

This is my second ameraucana but "she" looks so much different than my first who i am 100% is a hen.
I wanted to see what you guys think and if maybe she is really not a she, she is about 7 weeks old now.
Also if you think you know what my silkie is let me know too (i know they can't be sexed till older)

Thanks in advance!

That is neither an Ameraucana nor pullet. That is an Easter Egger, and with that bright pink comb, it's also a cockerel.

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