Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I just would prefer it that a discussion thread be about the birds that are supposed to be discussed. I happen to be very particular about Ameraucanas in general.

I understand your frustration. I see that a lot and it can, seemingly, distract from the point of this thread.

However, having said that, I also know how frustrating it is to buy what you think are Ameraucanas, only to learn - here and other places - that what you've paid hard-earned bucks for is not what you thought, hoped, prayed, they would be.

I've been there and I know many of the folks that have been breeding Ameraucanas for years, have been there, too. So, where do you go when you want to figure out what you've got? To a site like this, and to a thread like this, where, hopefully, someone will give you the rundown on what you've actually got. It's just part of what this thread, and so many sites on Facebook, are here for.

There are quite a few very experienced breeders here, most of whom are ready and willing to express their opinion on what you have - mostly without flames. :) And there are a lot of new folks coming into this breed that want to learn, study, and be mentored by those experienced breeders. Let's face it - while a picture may be worth a thousand words, not even a thousand words can fully described what you've got in your coops like a picture can.

So, let the pics be posted and let the education continue. :)
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Anyway...I have a question about my ameraucana girls. They are now 22 weeks 3 days old and not even a hint of eggs to come. They are still moulting, is that normal? I figured they'd be done by now. But isn't it true that once their moult is done, they'll start to lay? Here's a couple pics for reference....

This is Nora. She's got the most obvious moulting going on. Isn't her lacing pretty?

Nora's comb:


Full body shot:

Ok, sorry so pic heavy. I'm really excited about those blue eggs!! Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated!
I think the problem lies in the birds being labelled as chicks in the bin as Ameraucanas at Tractor supplies and such. When I first got my EEs they were labelled Araucana . I had done my research and knew what I was getting was EE's and sort of snickered at the label. Not everybody has done that research and a little patience will go a long way in helping educate new folks and helping them determine what their breed actually is. I for one can see this is more of a show thread now and not really a backyard enthusiast thread with a friendly atmosphere. I think I will take my Ameraucanas and move on to friendlier grounds. I do thank the folks on the thread that were patient and kind worded about my pullets.
This thread is for all who love and appreciate Ameraucanas... in all their forms... many of us have never shown, and may never will... please don't judge an entire thread on a single post... this thread has come a long way in the last year, I've seen it... not all will always agree or ever agree, but I think we can have those discussions without it becoming personal... please feel free to post your gorgeous pullets and ask for advice/opinions anytime... :)
I understand your frustration. I see that a lot and it can, seemingly, distract from the point of this thread. However, having said that, I also know how frustrating it is to buy what you think are Ameraucanas, only to learn - here and other places - that what you've paid hard-earned bucks for is not what you thought, hoped, prayed, they would be. I've been there and I know many of the folks that have been breeding Ameraucanas for years, have been there, too. So, where do you go when you want to figure out what you've got? To a site like this, and to a thread like this, where, hopefully, someone will give you the rundown on what you've actually got. It's just part of what this thread, and so many sites on Facebook, are here for. There are quite a few very experienced breeders here, most of whom are ready and willing to express their opinion on what you have - mostly without flames. :) And there are a lot of new folks coming into this breed that want to learn, study, and be mentored by those experienced breeders. Let's face it - while a picture may be worth a thousand words, not even a thousand words can fully described what you've got in your coops like a picture can. So, let the pics be posted and let the education continue. :)
Couldn't agree more, Susan... very well said... :thumbsup
I do enjoy the AM breed but have no plans to become a breeder so I will be moving on as well. I sincerely apologizes if my questions about the word roo feed into any negativity here or bothered anyone. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge, stories, and pictures. I wish you all the very best of luck.
Anyway...I have a question about my ameraucana girls. They are now 22 weeks 3 days old and not even a hint of eggs to come. They are still moulting, is that normal? I figured they'd be done by now. But isn't it true that once their moult is done, they'll start to lay? Here's a couple pics for reference....

This is Nora. She's got the most obvious moulting going on. Isn't her lacing pretty?

Nora's comb:


Full body shot:

Ok, sorry so pic heavy. I'm really excited about those blue eggs!! Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated!

I think the average time for first eggs is about 24 weeks, give or take, so just hang in there... by the looks of her comb I'd say any day now... but you are correct, they most likely won't start until their molts are finished... new feathers takes a lot of energy and protein, doesn't usually leave enough for egg production as well... young birds go through several molts from chicks to POL, so it's normal... be patient, your reward is coming soon! :)
Dang it! I was afraid you were gonna say that! I NEED blue eggs!!! All I can say is, they better hurry up or their chickie mama may just lose her mind, lol! Thanks for the info!
I do enjoy the AM breed but have no plans to become a breeder so I will be moving on as well. I sincerely apologizes if my questions about the word roo feed into any negativity here or bothered anyone. Thank you all for sharing your knowledge, stories, and pictures. I wish you all the very best of luck.

Don't let the voices of a few drown out the many... I think your question brought up a good, in depth discussion...
I understand that people are the victims of purchasing Easter Eggers as Ameraucana. I truly understand that it is not their fault, and I am sorry if I came off as rude, that was not my intentions. I have been searching for good Ameraucana for the past year and studying what makes a quality bird...from leg color to type. I consider myself to have decent knowledge in the breed at this point, and would prefer to have a place where we can discuss those birds at an above-beginner level. I know many people in this thread are either new or backyard people, and that is perfectly OK, we all were once there. There is no other thread in my knowledge for Ameraucana on this site, so this appears to be my only option. All I ask is that people learn a bit about their birds and the breed before coming to this thread, so fanciers of the breed can have engaging discussions.

Sorry if anyone was upset by what I said....

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