Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Here is a group picture!
My opinion ain't much, but I'll give ya my 2 cents... I like the black, nice width and depth to his chest... but I'm also partial to blacks, lol... And of the blues, the one in back of the 3 in a row, last pic... he's got nice shape to him... to me, he looks closest to the U shape from his head/neck to back and tail...
My opinion ain't much, but I'll give ya my 2 cents...

I like the black, nice width and depth to his chest... but I'm also partial to blacks, lol...

And of the blues, the one in back of the 3 in a row, last pic... he's got nice shape to him... to me, he looks closest to the U shape from his head/neck to back and tail...

Thank you Ravyn for your help! You are Awsome! I am trying to learn what to look for but it's not easy. I had one other Black that I liked. He got me one too many times! He was pretty and tasty!
Thank you Ravyn for your help! You are Awsome! I am trying to learn what to look for but it's not easy. I had one other Black that I liked.  He got me one too many times! He was pretty and tasty!

I'm very much still learning too, lol... I second guess my own choices constantly...

But no matter how good they look, if they go aggressive they get a one way ticket to the pot at my place too! :D
Has any one heard of the practice of breeding black into their line of silvers from time to time to improve certain traits?
It has been done but it is not a quick fix . Long road back . Black will influence color for a long time . I have used wheaten but there again a long road back . Red shoulders in males from that cross . I think John has used buff . This may be a better choice but I have not tried it .When you cross to buff using a silver male the resulting pullets will look columbian . No red shoulders and no black in female to haunt you . Still will take a second cross back to silver . From there I do not know . Perhaps John will fill us in .
I would say lavender tag is the best one . Nice transition to the tail . First one seems short in the back . Third one tail angle is too low .
@jerryse Thank you! These are my first black Ameraucanas and I wasn't sure if my thinking was right or not. For the longest time white tag seemed like the better choice, but I've been leaning more toward the lavender tag lately. When my cockerel gets a little older I'll ask about him. Thank you again.
Has any one heard of the practice of breeding black into their line of silvers from time to time to improve certain traits?

Since blacks are the most genetically stable of the 8 varieties of Ameraucana, they are often used to "fix" type in the other varieties, including silver.

Of those three, I like lavender tag the best. I like the third one, too, but would rather see that tail set come up some. She may just be relaxed in that pic.

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