Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Even the best breeders have leakage issues in their lines. Let the breeder know, that way they can adjust their breeding program accordingly. They can't fix problems they don't know about.

OK. now I am super confused. I don't post on this thread any more because I was told in no uncertain terms that my chickens with their color leakage couldn't possibly be considered Ameraucanas and had to be referred to as Easter Eggers. But the best breeders have color leakage issues? Many of my cockerels looked a lot like that last photo.
OK. now I am super confused. I don't post on this thread any more because I was told in no uncertain terms that my chickens with their color leakage couldn't possibly be considered Ameraucanas and had to be referred to as Easter Eggers. But the best breeders have color leakage issues? Many of my cockerels looked a lot like that last photo.
They are technically Easter Eggers, because they don't meet the proper coloring standards. The problem with leakage, is that hens can carry it, but not express it, since it's usually a male specific trait. This means that even if the hens look great, they may be carrying the genes for leakage and pass them onto their offspring. It makes it very difficult to remove from lines. You have to narrow down exactly which hen is producing the leaky males and then test breed their female offspring, to ensure that they are free of producing leaky males.
There is an old saying that my mother used to tell me - "Praise in public, criticize in private"

Let the breeder know about the problems, and if someone asks you privately, feel free to share, but I would not just say the breeder without good cause. No one breeds perfect birds - no one! If you've seen their birds, or pictures of their birds, and they didn't show this type of leakage, then you took your chances. If you have not seen that breeder's birds, or pictures, then next time I'm sure you'll make every effort to do so.
I saw no issues in the photos provided, but I'll be sure to ask in the future if and/or what the breeder is working on with their lines. Thank you for being frank.

I suggest anyone wanting to know your source should email, PM or personally contact you some other way if they are interested.
Good idea. Thank you.

OK. now I am super confused. I don't post on this thread any more because I was told in no uncertain terms that my chickens with their color leakage couldn't possibly be considered Ameraucanas and had to be referred to as Easter Eggers. But the best breeders have color leakage issues? Many of my cockerels looked a lot like that last photo.
Since these particular birds have leakage they are (unfortunately) easter eggers. You are right about that.
Yes, even the best breeders have surprises that pop up. Recessive genes can hide for generations.
Could I get some advice from you guys. I ordered a dozen Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana hatching eggs from someone. The egg color was good. 100% of the eggs were fertile and all 10 that made it to lockdown hatched.

Would it be considered slanderous, inappropriate or anything like that if I named the person I bought the eggs from? I don't want anyone else to get "Ameraucanas" that aren't colored right, but at the same time I don't want to trash talk anyone. The person did mention that they were working on their own line, so maybe they are still working on getting rid of the leakage issue? I just wish they had said something before I paid $50 for the eggs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The chicks are 15 weeks old today....

yellow leakage on head

red leakage on wing shoulder

red leakage on wings and yellow leakage on neck
I have watched the comments . There is one thing no one has mentioned so I will . Your breeder is doing a good job on shipping eggs . 10 out of 12 hatched and all were fertile . Very good on shipped eggs . So the breeder has a good ration and ships very fresh eggs . The post office did no abuse them so they were packed very well or you were lucky . Leakage can happen in the best of lines . I have found it will show on splash more than black or blue . Having 2 copies of the blue dilution seems to let it show . So a splash cock with no leakage is a good breeder . As mentioned females can be carriers . Sorry you were disappointed . You can learn to be a breeder with these .
OK. now I am super confused. I don't post on this thread any more because I was told in no uncertain terms that my chickens with their color leakage couldn't possibly be considered Ameraucanas and had to be referred to as Easter Eggers. But the best breeders have color leakage issues? Many of my cockerels looked a lot like that last photo.
You will get opinions like that from less experienced breeders who feel they know a lot . I would not say that they are Easter Eggers . Just culls . That is to say not breeder quality . We have struggled with the confusion between EE and Ameraucana . So yes if culls are sold they are often called EE . I have started project colors and called them EE until they breed fairly true . You will find negative remarks on cull and project birds . So I would advise you to not take the comments too seriously . Yes negative remarks can be discouraging to all breeders . Even us old timers . I helped get the breed into the standard . I have had discouraging remarks on projects . I handled it by not discussing the projects as Ameraucana until they were proven to meet the breed requirements . So yes I discussed them on EE threads and EE threads I started for them . I found many Ameraucana breeders will not visit a EE thread . People that will are less likely to express negative opinions .
You will get opinions like that from less experienced breeders who feel they know a lot . I would not say that they are Easter Eggers . Just culls . That is to say not breeder quality . We have struggled with the confusion between EE and Ameraucana . So yes if culls are sold they are often called EE . I have started project colors and called them EE until they breed fairly true . You will find negative remarks on cull and project birds . So I would advise you to not take the comments too seriously . Yes negative remarks can be discouraging to all breeders . Even us old timers . I helped get the breed into the standard . I have had discouraging remarks on projects . I handled it by not discussing the projects as Ameraucana until they were proven to meet the breed requirements . So yes I discussed them on EE threads and EE threads I started for them . I found many Ameraucana breeders will not visit a EE thread . People that will are less likely to express negative opinions .

Thanks, that makes it a little clearer. I only have a couple of hens, hatchery stock, and honestly have no plans to breed as I find their temperament a bit challenging, and they don't seem to be great winter layers. The hatchery referred to them as Ameraucanas but made it very clear they did not breed for color. I paid very little for them and while I enjoy their quirkiness every other chicken on my property finds them to be a 'bit much'.
Thanks, that makes it a little clearer. I only have a couple of hens, hatchery stock, and honestly have no plans to breed as I find their temperament a bit challenging, and they don't seem to be great winter layers. The hatchery referred to them as Ameraucanas but made it very clear they did not breed for color. I paid very little for them and while I enjoy their quirkiness every other chicken on my property finds them to be a 'bit much'.
Well most hatchery stock is EE . There are a couple that have real Ameraucana . EE are nice birds for people who are not interested in showing . I still keep some EE since I like to explore the genetics .
I have watched the comments . There is one thing no one has mentioned so I will . Your breeder is doing a good job on shipping eggs . 10 out of 12 hatched and all were fertile . Very good on shipped eggs . So the breeder has a good ration and ships very fresh eggs . The post office did no abuse them so they were packed very well or you were lucky . Leakage can happen in the best of lines . I have found it will show on splash more than black or blue . Having 2 copies of the blue dilution seems to let it show . So a splash cock with no leakage is a good breeder . As mentioned females can be carriers . Sorry you were disappointed . You can learn to be a breeder with these .

Yes, the breeder's hatch rate is phenomenal. The two that did not make it to lockdown were lost because my son and I are both terribly clumsy at times. It makes sense that leakage would show up in splash birds more so than blue or black. I may use the blue for a few hatches to see what he throws. I have three beautiful black Ameraucana pullets that have just started laying and by the time their eggs are ready to be incubated I can decided then if I want to use him. His lacing is very good and he has great leg color. Thank you.
Could I get some advice from you guys. I ordered a dozen Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana hatching eggs from someone. The egg color was good. 100% of the eggs were fertile and all 10 that made it to lockdown hatched.

Would it be considered slanderous, inappropriate or anything like that if I named the person I bought the eggs from? I don't want anyone else to get "Ameraucanas" that aren't colored right, but at the same time I don't want to trash talk anyone. The person did mention that they were working on their own line, so maybe they are still working on getting rid of the leakage issue? I just wish they had said something before I paid $50 for the eggs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The chicks are 15 weeks old today....

yellow leakage on head

red leakage on wing shoulder

red leakage on wings and yellow leakage on neck

I don't know squat about this but:
Of the 10 that hatched are these 3 the only ones to show leakage?
Are they they only cockerels (and IF I understood the comments would be the only ones likely to show leakage)?

These may not be important questions since the people who DO know didn't ask them.
Here is one of my cockerels he is 4 months. Would he be a cull?
It should I keep him a little longer?



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