Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

The 2 young roos are in with the older cock and older hens, but there are 4 younger pullets that are also a part of the flock, and the 2 young roos are just non stop on the 4 pullets! I had to take the roos away and lock them outside the fence yesterday!

Any way you can separate the pullets until they mature?
Any way you can separate the pullets until they mature?

I can only separate them for about 2 more weeks, then the new chicks will be in the area where the young pullets are at. I think I'm just gonna have to take those roos to the butcher. I wanted to have 2 roos, but I think I just need to start at square one with 2 roos that have grow up together.
from a breeder with real Americana but Americana's are pretty rare to find.hateries normally lie about them being Americana but really their Easter eggers.
Americana's,Easter eggers and airucanas get mixed up even thought their all different.
from a breeder with real Americana but Americana's are pretty rare to find.hateries normally lie about them being Americana but really their Easter eggers.
Americana's,Easter eggers and airucanas get mixed up even thought their all different.

I am aware of this... That's why I'm asking.. Literally, who are the breeders? How do I find a good one?

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