Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Hi! I have 3 blues and am wondering if we can tell sex yet? These babes are 6 weeks old today.


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Lighter legs is a common issue in many wheaten/blue wheaten lines...

If they came from a feed store or hatchery and weren't a specified color, then they're EE's... green legs is a big sign of EE as well... yours look like EE's from what I see...

Well thank you that helps. I was looking at pictures of Ameraucanas and they definitely didn't look like the ones that I have right now. The man in the store said that the puffy cheeks and green legs meant that they were Ameraucanas and different from the welsummer chickens so we assumed that they wouldn't be ee's.
I am having a really bad hatch with my Wheaten Ameraucanas... out of 26 eggs set 20 were infertile. I suspect the rooster played favorites that's why fertility is so low. But out of the 6, 4 have quit by day 14! The refrigerator olive eggers I added just as space filler are developing well and dancing around in the eggs. Figures!
Everywhere I read my temp and humidity are spot on in the acceptable ranges. Am I missing something? I'm using a Brinsea Octagon (Eco) and I know a few of the people on this thread use them so what temp and humidity are you running at? I just want to double check that it's not my temp or humidity. This is a first time crossing of 2 different lines of Wheaten so they are not inbred either. It's also my first time using this incubator.
I just feel like I'm missing something.
Can I ask opinions on the sexes of our chicks? I've got 11 ameraucanas and we can't keep roos. They're all a week or two difference in age, but all will be 10 weeks by 6/1. We made some guesses ourselves last night. Just not sure how right we are. :) We can't really tell that some are getting saddle feathers yet, but some have short tails and some long. A couple seem to have no tails. Can you tell just by combs at this age?

1. Roo?
View attachment 1018434

2. Roo?
View attachment 1018436

3. Pullet?
View attachment 1018439

4. Pullet?
View attachment 1018440

5. Roo?
View attachment 1018442

6. Pullet?
View attachment 1018443

7. Roo?
View attachment 1018445

8. Pullet?
View attachment 1018447

9. Roo?
View attachment 1018448

10. Pullet?
View attachment 1018450

11. Pullet?
View attachment 1018451

Thanks in advance for opinions! :)
Hi, I'm curious as to which of your chickens people suspect to be roos. I have an Ameraucana who is 3 months old that I am worried is a roo. My husband thinks he heard two crows yesterday. This one is the family favorite, and we can't keep a roo where we live, so we are really hoping hen!
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Hi, I'm curious as to which of your chickens people suspect to be roos. I have an Ameraucana who is 3 months old that I am worried is a roo. My husband thinks he heard two crows yesterday. This one is the family favorite, and we can't keep a roo where we live, so we are really hoping hen!
View attachment 1034450 View attachment 1034449

He's a pretty Easter Egger (yellow skin/green legs) and sorry, but he is definitely a cockerel... :(
I am having a really bad hatch with my Wheaten Ameraucanas... out of 26 eggs set 20 were infertile. I suspect the rooster played favorites that's why fertility is so low. But out of the 6, 4 have quit by day 14! The refrigerator olive eggers I added just as space filler are developing well and dancing around in the eggs. Figures!
Everywhere I read my temp and humidity are spot on in the acceptable ranges. Am I missing something? I'm using a Brinsea Octagon (Eco) and I know a few of the people on this thread use them so what temp and humidity are you running at? I just want to double check that it's not my temp or humidity. This is a first time crossing of 2 different lines of Wheaten so they are not inbred either. It's also my first time using this incubator.
I just feel like I'm missing something.

What is their nutrition like? Are you supplementing with vitamins leading up to and during egg collection?

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