Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Thank you so much junebuggena! I did not know that about the white/yellow skin and beak. Very helpful if I ever decide to get some true Americaunas!
The easiest way to know if you are getting Ameraucana or Easter Eggers is color. Ameraucana ALWAYS have a color/variety specified. If no color or variety is specified at time of purchase, it's a pretty safe bet they are Easter Eggers.
Yes. You can also check the bottoms of the feet for skin color.

I apologize for interrupting the Ameraucana thread, but since the comment came up, maybe we can learn more from it. :oops:

so will the feet darken or beak lighten? The legs have some darkness over the yellow, i know. (this is a bantam cochin)
I apologize for interrupting the Ameraucana thread, but since the comment came up, maybe we can learn more from it. :oops:

so will the feet darken or beak lighten? The legs have some darkness over the yellow, i know. (this is a bantam cochin)
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It's a Lavender or Blue right? The extended black genes that both of those varieties are based on tend to have additional melanizing genes associated with the solid black color that cause a darker wash on the legs and black beaks. There may be some change, but if there is, it will be subtle.
It's a Lavender or Blue right? The extended black genes that both of those varieties are based on tend to have additional melanizing genes associated with the solid black color that cause a darker wash on the legs and black beaks. There may be some change, but if there is, it will be subtle.

Blue, yes. And thanks. I figured out that I had some unknown lingering silkie genes in some of their backgrounds and have been slowly narrowing down which hens were hiding things. But this helps.
Take a look at the Black and Blues. Notice the black beaks. Now look at the Whites. See what happens when you add the recessive white? Bone/white beak color comes out because the melanizers are neutralized.

Although i will likely never breed Ams, i do enjoy looking at them, learning about them, and i learn alot on this thread from wonderful folks, so thanks for letting me pipe in!
(and i just learned that they came in Brown Red! I did not know that!)
Blue, yes. And thanks. I figured out that I had some unknown lingering silkie genes in some of their backgrounds and have been slowly narrowing down which hens were hiding things. But this helps.
The black skin of the Silkie is actually a dominant gene so it doesn't hide. If that chick had the black skin gene, the bottoms of the feet would be black. It's the silkie feathered gene that is recessive.
Hi all! I need help with my cockerels! I have 3 blue Ameraucana chickens about 2-3 months old. All have always walked a little different than my other chickens, but recently, I have noticed my males don't walk around much, and their inside toes are very close together. Amy ideas or suggestions?


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