Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Ok here is another question - I have this clean faced pullet, and I wouldn’t normally consider breeding a clean faced bird but in her case, her color is so so great that I’m thinking about it. I’m not sure if my rooster carries one or both muffed/beard genes, but I guess I’d find out if I did a test hatch. Her eyes are also too dark, but my roosters are good. What do you think?
Ok here is another question - I have this clean faced pullet, and I wouldn’t normally consider breeding a clean faced bird but in her case, her color is so so great that I’m thinking about it. I’m not sure if my rooster carries one or both muffed/beard genes, but I guess I’d find out if I did a test hatch. Her eyes are also too dark, but my roosters are good. What do you think? View attachment 2073991
If you have the space, nothing wrong breeding from her 1 year and seeing what you get.

Maybe she is the only one who gets her muff eaten off. Ha! (Doesn't look like it was eaten... but still, it wouldn't hurt to do one test batch from her and see what you get)
If you have the space, nothing wrong breeding from her 1 year and seeing what you get.

Maybe she is the only one who gets her muff eaten off. Ha! (Doesn't look like it was eaten... but still, it wouldn't hurt to do one test batch from her and see what you get)

Haha 😅 I’m hoping it’s that. Or maybe she carries one Mb gene and just happens to have a micro muff. Lol. I’m going to do a test hatch and see what I get. She’s my best colored blue.
Thanks for your response! Yes, culling for vigor makes sense. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on that. And I agree about the Splash males. I don’t plan on growing any out either. I really only want a black male this year, but I’m going to grow out the blue boys too just in case I find one nicer than my current boy. Or if I don’t end up with a nice enough black Cockerel, I’ll keep a second blue and really focus on the blues instead of trying to do blue and black.
As of now, I’ve been doing one color band on right leg to indicate blood line and then a different color on left legs to tell each chick apart from that bloodline. This method won’t work out when I start hatching more chicks in each color than I have rubber band colors.

Happy hatching to you as well!

I started wing banding last year. Previously did toe punching. And I’ll probably toe punch out of the Hatcher and wing band as I see birds I want to grow out to conserve my bands. With wing bands, I have a color for each family line and they all get assigned numbers. You can wing band at hatch or any time. I like the wing bands because it’s a family and individual ID system all in 1 and they keep the band on for life. No messing with bands getting too tight.
Ok here is another question - I have this clean faced pullet, and I wouldn’t normally consider breeding a clean faced bird but in her case, her color is so so great that I’m thinking about it. I’m not sure if my rooster carries one or both muffed/beard genes, but I guess I’d find out if I did a test hatch. Her eyes are also too dark, but my roosters are good. What do you think? View attachment 2073991
Oh! She is so-o-o beautiful!! I don't breed but I'd be proud to have a pretty Blue like her! You asked what other traits to look for? Personality and temperament as well as outward beauty is a plus! How old is this girl? Maybe she'll grow some muffs in her next molt? She is so beautiful -- reminds me of the Blue Breda girl I had:

BLUE WHEATEN AMERAUCANA (left) & BLUE BREDA (front) 2 Silkies under chair

BLUE BREDA - no comb (just triangle tassle on head), vulture hocks, crow-like nostrials, white earlobes, and feathered legs/toes

My Breda girl had pretty lacing too like your Blue Ameraucana girl does -- I just LOVE Blue hens, very breathtaking!! Add great temperament and they are real winners IMO!
😂 I’ll hold on to hope that mayyyybe there’s a chance her beard was eaten, but unfortunately that happened to my Cockerel and you could still tell he had a I won’t hold my breath. Now I just have to hope my rooster has 2 muff and beard genes so I don’t get a bunch of clean faced babies. 😅🤞

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