Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

In my experience, it varies by the bird. They all have their own personalities

With the ameraucanas it really is in the variety. Alot of different birds were used to produce the different varieties of ameraucanas we see today.

I also found that with ameraucanas if you raise large numbers of them, they tend to be flighty. If you raise them in smaller groups they are more friendly. I don't know why this is, but it just is.
I can kind of tell a difference between the different bantam varieties. If you buy them started I've found that alot depends on how they were raised. The more they are around kids the sweeter they tend to be. I can definatly tell that some were raised by old time chicken breeders and then I can tell the ones that were raised by people with kids.

Mine have to be calm other wise they get man handled by my 12 year old sister!
Brag break!
My BBS Ameraucanas are now 5 months old, absolutely gorgeous, and the boys just started crowing! My boys are becoming men. I am just so pleased with these guys. Jean has some awesome birds
Nice whites.

Personally, I don't like the pom-pom look of a couple of their tails, but otherwise they're quite nice.
My flock of BB/S from the same breeder (Different pens) Have personalities across the board, a couple fly up on me.. Some do not like to be handled..
In general I find the breed to be observant and independent.
(I like those characteristics...Especially in a bird that free ranges in a forest.)


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