Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Is there some sort of a rule like this with ameraucanas? It seems like there should be a rule about the eggs. Obviously they need to lay a blue egg right? But should the hen be able to lay a certain intensity of blue? Because like with marans, the egg color of ameraucanas is something that sets them apart. I am curious if the ameraucana breeders club has a rule or a plan like this?

I'm not aware of any rules like this. We have an egg color chart. And I know some people cull for egg color, but I think this trait is really hard to cull for and I just make sure everybody lays a blue egg. I have a project hen that lays a brown egg. I'm breeding her to a blue egg cock hoping to get some green egg offspring. Soo.. I guess I'm really not a lot of help LOL

It seems like the egg color should be part of the goal with ameraucanas. Someone posted a question a while back about what the goal or plan was with the ameraucana breeders club... were they breeding for what the bird looked like first and then egg color or was egg color as important as the bird? ( I am terribly paraphrasing Anyway, I don't remember him being answered.
I have the egg color chart and there is really a lot of variety in color.
Check out this egg shell...

This is from an easter egger that I have. I wonder what kind of ameraucana one of her parents were.. Here is a pic of her...

So obviously she does not conform to any ameraucana color standard.

But I am just curious if there are any egg color standards that are being worked on? Or is does the ameraucana breeders club have any plans for making egg color standards in the future?
I would ask this question on the message board but it is closed unless you are a member.
Actually that Easter Egger very likely has NO Ameraucana behind her.
Easter Eggers were a group of mutt-type blue and green egg layers we brought from S. America. Hatcheries got ahold of some, and breeders got ahold of some. The breeders made the Ameraucana, the hatcheries continued with what t hey have. There may be some production layers mixed in now and then, most most EE's are direct descendants of the Quechua.
That is interesting. I have read everything on the site and lots of info on BYC. I did not know that hatcheries were using decedents of Quechua. I just figured they got one ameraucana and bred it to who ever... lol That is how everyone else makes EE's right?
Yes. Backyard "homemade" Easter Eggers are usually Ameraucana x other breed. Hatcheries though, most of them, originate from McMurray stock, which is Quechua based. (and whatever else came from S. America)
Ok not to veer from the subject but the other day I asked about what a 45* tail angle was and how I was kind of lost about where to go with the collection of male birds I have.

1. Old Black Cock bird -- I think he's 2 years old. FYI he's molting

-He has 5 offspring that I have.

+8 month old Pullet who won Res. AOCCL at her first show

+ 6 month old cockerel. How's his tail angle

+ Broody hen with three of his babies

-Old Lavender Cock bird -- I think he's two years old as well

-11 month old Brown Red cockerel

- Year old Silver cock bird

-4 month old White Cockerel

-1 year old Black cock that I've decided I probably should get rid of

I have a variety and I'm wondering which one is more correct. each pen seems to be a little different
Pretty Brown-Red!

The Lavender, Brown-Red, Silver, and especially the last Black all have too high of tail angles. The first black it is hard to say with the molt but it looks good. The rest of the blacks look okay from the photos too.

I have to say, the Reds (or New Hampshires?) behind the black girl are ugly!
Ok well that is the one I've been breeding from so I guess I'm on course. I have one of his daughters in with my Lavender rooster, maybe that will help things out in that pen. I'm getting very frustrated with my silvers so I think they may be on the chopping block to leave. I just can't get it right with them!
I'm curious to know what you think of my blue boy, especially Jean, since I don't have much to compare him to in Canada so far. He is 17 weeks old. I realize, he still has to mature but I like him so far. Please be brutally honest. I AM trying to learn. (I can take it!!
) (Green-legged EEs and horrible combs pass for Ameraucanas here in Canada so give me your worst!!!!)



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