Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I'm a reader
I know this is from a few days ago, but nobody addressed it. If you got feather legged lavenders they are NOT from a "great line". As far as I am concerned- there are no "great lines" of lavenders even out there yet. If I were the breeder I would want to know that they came from my birds and I would never use them for anything but a laying pen or maybe EEs.
Using birds with a fault like that is a big step backwards that this project variety does not need.

Maybe I should have elaborated more. By "great Line" I mean this person is a long time member of the ABC, not BYC. They are a very reputable breeder. I am very aware that this is a serious fault, and I am also aware that this is something that others have gotten from chicks they hatched. This particular "breeder "has many more than 10 yrs experience in breeding. Many of us post so that we may get input on opinions and such and I appreciate the input from both of you. I am not new to Ameraucanas.

Just a question: Why is it automatically assumed that I believe everything I read online or that these came from an unsuccessfull ignorant "breeder"?
It was just a post for input...maybe this is why some don't post much, for fear of being chewed at
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I'm just saying a respected breeder- no matter how long they have been in ABC- should know better than to keep selling feather-legged chicks. They should have apologized to you and made it clear that those birds should be culled. I am truely sorry that happened to you- I have been in your shoes. 2 batches of wheatens that I purchased ended up clean-faced and it set me back on that variety an entire year.
I know they shouldn't and it is frustrating. I believe(just my opinion) that alot of these flaws will keep showing up with the Lavender variety because it is a work in progress. I have a totally separate line of Lavs from another ABC Breeder so I am not that bummed,

The crazy thing is, several BYCers that have Lavs got their LAvs from the same breeder I did.
I'll second that. I know I don't DARE post on this thread because I know I would get jumped all over and my birds are indirectly from JEAN, as chicks. Life is too short to deal with online razzing and lectureing.

But I do read most of it, trying to learn. (I skip over the bickering)
I'll second that. I know I don't DARE post on this thread because I know I would get jumped all over and my birds are indirectly from JEAN, as chicks. Life is too short to deal with online razzing and lectureing.

But I do read most of it, trying to learn. (I skip over the bickering)

Its a shame people feel this way. The Ameraucana as a breed is such a fantastic breed and it saddens me that people don't want to talk about them because they are affraid that they are going to get reprimanded. There are good and bad birds, good and bad breeders, and new and old breeders. I agree that some are just too harsh. I'm very much a newbie, and learning as I go. I don't judge others that are behind me in their progress. I've had Ameraucanas for 4 years or so now, and I've probably hatched 15 chicks! Don't be affraid to post. Not all of the people who post on here are monsters
at least I'm not.

As far as the Ameraucana that has feather stubs. The Ameraucanas are new as a breed relatively speaking and problems arise in the most established varieties. If this bird is one you cannot live without type wise I could see taking a calculated risk. If the bird is just ok I could give you two options:
A.) Sell it to a breeder that is working on Lavender Faverolles
B.) Just cull it (in some fashion)

This is probably too little too late, but these posts struck a chord with me and I felt the need to post, which I don't often because of my schedule.


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