Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

That's EXACTLY how it worked for me.


Thanks for your replies. I have been meaning to take photos of them but have been slack.
Here they are and I apologise that I dont take great photos, but these are my girls Lady Pearl and Violet.

I hope to hear that you believe they are girls. And while we are talking of girls what age do they start laying?
These girls are still so small, but the breeder said in September they would start laying. No sign of it yet.

Hard to tell from the pics, but look rooish. Are you from Europe by any chance? The birds look to have small crests, and Ameraucanas are not crested.
Yes I am in Australia so it would appear that Americaunas are different standard then to the US ones??
Am confused re: saddle feathers and crests. I will look into that a bit more?
But am feeling a tad sad to be hearing that you are thinking theres a boy in here... But I am feeling that for Lady Pearl, the one that shows pink on her beak.

Edited to correct spelling.
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Yep, those are Araucanas not Ameraucanas. The Araucana thread would much welcome a new person!!

The US is the only country with Ameraucanas as a recognized breed, everywhere else, purebred blue egg layers are Araucanas. In Australia, they have tails and crests.
Project Lavender Wheaten Ameraucana update... He's really starting to look nice! So far the only flaws I see are his legs are lighter (though still slate) than I would like them to be and eye color could be better, but that may change as he matures more. He seems to be maturing much slower than my others. The next step is improve, improve, improve and more, more, more. He's going in a breeding pen with some wheatie girls to create splits.
18 weeks saddle, hackle and wing band feathers coming in.




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