Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

And that is why genetic formula's are not absolute by any means.


But I was right.
The parents weren't pure, but they did hide Wheaten and/or Silver genes.

Is it more important for you to be right or to have folks know that there is no way in the world short of DNA testing to know what color genes a chicken is carrying?

How prevelent is sun bleaching in lavenders? I know that you can burn or get bleached our white birds, but I've not heard the subject referenced much in Lavenders. I'm not very well versed in lavender matters such as these.
That is what I've noticed. None of my hens are affected. My breeder rooster is molting and much of his left, but my backup rooster has it really bad. I was just making sure I wasn't crazy! I've only had the lavenders since April. In my reasearch of course I read about stuff like the poor feather quality and things, but not much on the bleaching. I have more problem with male tail angle in my lavenders than feather quality.
I almost think the roos look pretty like that- with all those pale buttery "streamers". Since i know it will be gone soon, not a big deal.
My lav coop has the smoke tinted clear pvc roofing- not much direct sunlight on them at all. I was surprised by how beached they got. Even my big Del roo that's out in the sun every day is still spotless white.

I am wondering if it will be less next year when my lavs from splits are growing out, thanks to (hopefully)improved feather quality.
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I have my whites in a tarped pen, and I've not had problems with the sun. So I think I'm going to move my lavenders to the ajoining pen to the whites and see if this helps. I'm not too worried about it though. I'll get some pictures tomorrow, because its suppose to be sunny out. I'll take a pic of the backup rooster and the main man (lol).

I'm wondering if that feather thing has something to do with it. My main rooster is from Blehm (I'm not sure if he does a lot of back tracks to black) in April but my backup is indirectly from a local breeder who does a lot of lav to lav matings. Wonder if that is what has to do with it.
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Hey guys, I have 5 Blue Wheaten cockerels, they are 21 weeks old, and very big, but rather ugly. I need to figure out when to start culling them down, but they all look exactly the same except one. I have a feeling they don't have their adult feathers in yet, they still look really scraggly... Are they old enough to pick out the best two, or should I wait some more?

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