Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Amy, the quote in your signature is from the husband of my most favorite favorite author of all time. Elswyth Thane-Beebe. Read her books over and over again. I don't even know if her books are still in publication. William Beebe was a famous naturalist in his time. (you probably knew that)
I had to put pullets that lay different color eggs with them so I would know the eggs for my projects. 

If you are home during the daytime when they lay eggs, you can use trap nest then mark the eggs.
I have been thinking of something like this but so far there are only 2 hens I can not tell which egg they lay.

Trap nesting is a great way to record which hen laid what egg, which hens are not laying etc.

The best system I ever saw for a large flock was a trap nest box wall in between 2 yards.
When a hen laid a egg in the trap box, the owner would then open the door on the other side to let the hen out.

So all hens in yard A in the morning
When they lay they get traped in the nest box
When released they are released in Yard B...
Then at night the owner would document who laid eggs and who did not and they all go back to same coop for the night.

(Hope that made sense.. Tired tonight) :oops:
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Yes! Everybody that comes out here is like "Wow- where did you get those big green..... turkeys?!?"

I do have a black Am hen that seems more violet than green though. I wonder what that's all about..
Autosomal red maybe (being responsible for the violet)? Some would argue a feed issue (too much corn)--I would argue a genetic reason if she's being fed the same thing as the green turkeys and obviously they aren't purple.
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Autosomal red maybe (being responsible for the violet)? Some would argue a feed issue (too much corn)--I would argue a genetic reason if she's being fed the same thing as the green turkeys and obviously they aren't purple.

Yep, it's the red causing the violet sheen.
Apparently sheen (or lack thereof) can tell you a TON about what's in the genes.
She was from a BBS flock. Still has a sheen, just not green!

FYI everybody- this spring My Pet Chicken will be selling blue and wheaten ameraucanas.
If they are hatching eggs- forget about it- you'll never get anything to hatch because of the horrible packing job and old eggs, BUT if they are chicks....if its from who I think they are from, they keep EEs in with thier wheatens.
Anybody have more information about this?
Sorry.. I am super new and not sure what an EE is? I just got 2 Ameraucana chicks yesterday. This is out first year trying chickens. We named them Lydia and Sophie. Lydia is brownish with dark brown stripe and Sophie is grey/white. We also got 4 other birds, all different breeds.

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