Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Yeah, dont mess with the Ameraucana Breed Thread peeps (0:

Another instance of theft by deception.
With the quality breeders here and on the Ameraucana Breeders Club page, with the help offered for free from experienced people to tell you how to cull, why why why would they need to lie by stealing pictures or photo shopping eggs to look more blue? The audacity of some people! Do your own work. It's not as easy but it's also not impossible!!!
Quote: Dont mess with ameraucana breaders either!! LOL.. we are very particular about how we bread our chicken cutlets...

lol once again I crack myself up... lol

Seriously... picture theft is insane on the internet. If you do not watermark your photos you are pretty much just leaving it open for anyone. I have had a website that I post pics of nails that I have done for years and you would not believe how many people use my work, my nails, my own hands in their advertising. When I contact them they swear that it is their own work. They are my own hands in the picture! and they swear it is their own property. I put on all my pics now and if they want to steal the pic... great... free advertising for me! lol

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