Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

After the power lines down for hours fiasco, I ended up with a decent hatch. They were a little late, and the hatching took longer than normal, but they DID hatch! Unbelieveable.
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My how they've grown!

3 weeks

5 weeks


So pretty!
OK, I need some help. I've never hatched or even seen a female wheaten chick in person and I've only hatched black and splash males. I know it's little early, but I'm hoping you can help me with color and/or gender... These are from my splash wheaten cockerel over two wheaten and one blue wheaten hens.

I have four that are three and a half weeks old...

One and two are similarly colored...

Three and four are similar. Please disregard their dirty feet. There was one little piece of grossness in the kennel they were in and they ALL managed to decorate themselves up to their knees. Blech.

Here they all are enjoying the sunshine... The two smaller are two and a half weeks old if anyone is feeling ambitious. The poor SLW boy hasn't been real interested in growing his big bird feathers. I thought I might have to sunscreen him...

I think you may have a couple girls there. I would give it a couple more weeks and you will be sure.
I think you've got four girls there. But Jean is right, you'll know better in 2-4 weeks. Can't tell from the pics if they're W or BW but am guessing BW. See the pics in the post just above and you can easily pick out the two W cockerels fm the two gals.

You'd think since I only have the WBS and have worked with them for a few years now, I'd be able to determine what's what better but by the time another year rolls around I can't remember what last year's hatch looked like! Just one more reason while I'll be cataloging a photo album of my chicks this year from Day Olds thru 1-year. I hope to do so on a weekly basis and that way can help others in the future too.

God Bless,
ok here is my guess 3 girls and 1 boy 2and 2 but 2 me it looks like 4 girls can we get neck close ups? lucky u mainly girl it is looking that at the best possible odds i'll have 3 wanna trade
Whew! I'm liking those numbers better and better!

I know that if all things are equal I should have more blue than splash. Can blue girls and splash boys look similar as chicks?

I have pictures of their neck feathers, but it just looks dark. You can't tell if the feathers are red or black from them.

I know it's still early, but I wanted to go ahead and do another hatch or if I didn't have the two girls I wanted to add to the flock.

Thanks for all of the help.

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