Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I have a question- I have a pullet whose tail is slightly more narrow than I would like. Can I expect this to correct itself to any degree when she gets closer to POL? Kind of like widening of the hips at childbearing age? I don't know why I never really paid attention to see if that would happen before...
Besides that, I like her alot. She was one of the non-cuckoos to hatch out of my project.

I must have taken 100 pictures of the cuckoo cockerel, but he would not stop moving. I am so happy to finally see those lavender striped tail feathers. Just wanted to share.

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"Boards change........all things change eventually".

This is what I said in my post. Don't become annoyed at the messenger. I can't think of anything that could not be changed if people really want a change, but you have to get out of your little world and find out what the majority of poultry people want. I have access to some of that info but no one else posting here does and BYC is certainly not the pulse of the poultry fancy.


Australorp club of America is gone. How many others are gone? How old are the "old" members of the Boards?

BYC may not be the pulse of fancy poultry, but is has a huge number of members and may well be the future.

I love that on BYC, us Newbs can be heard and learn. Maybe some day I will be old enough to poultry to be accepted by the "boards".

To be serious though, Walt is correct. One of the breed threads here started with a group that has since moved on to it's own message board(can't say which one per BYC rules). BYC may well be a training ground for the future. I think this group that does not participate in BYC any more is making a mistake. What other place has as much potential to train up the future board members?

Thank you Walt for discussing things like this! Your input as an APA and ABA Judge and leader is very valuable.

Well, I don't show, I don't vote in club elections, I don't offer much to any poultry organization (except my dues), and my opinion is just that - an opinion. My worthless opinion is that the gene that produces the color - and it is called the lavender gene - should be the name of the variety. But who am I?

As someone new to the poultry world (less than 5 years), the term "self blue," has always been confusing to me. Blue is blue. Lavender is lavender. In my simple mind.......

I think the "old timers," are stuck on the past, and I also think they didn't use to look at the genetics (and consider the genes responsible). Things change, and I believe it is possible to get it accepted and changed. Just takes time and the majority. New, young, fresh minds can accomplish alot - with their knowledge, their votes, and their determination. And that's another opinion of mine.

By the way, I am (sorta) old myself, and I hate change - in many things. But this just makes sense to me. I hated when the computer world took over hand charting and such, in the medical field I work in. But - that's technology and change. Gotta accept it......

I already knew you were old and so am I, but the Chair of the ABA Standard Committee is not old and the ABA is much more inflexible in this matter than my committee. I don't think being old or disliking change has anything to do with this as far as the APA goes. There is more to it than just changing it. These kinds of changes need to be indorsed by the membership and most of the people posting here do not really know the feelings of the membership.

There are ways to get this done if the APA memberships really wants to make this change.....don't blame it on the old guys.....if you have to blame someone, blame the people sitting around just talking about it rather than doing something that would make a difference. I do keep track of these inquires since the first thing I do when people demand a change is find out if they are even a member of the APA. You have personal experience with this Kathy, so you know I do that.

Australorp club of America is gone. How many others are gone? How old are the "old" members of the Boards?

BYC may not be the pulse of fancy poultry, but is has a huge number of members and may well be the future.

I love that on BYC, us Newbs can be heard and learn. Maybe some day I will be old enough to poultry to be accepted by the "boards".

To be serious though, Walt is correct. One of the breed threads here started with a group that has since moved on to it's own message board(can't say which one per BYC rules). BYC may well be a training ground for the future. I think this group that does not participate in BYC any more is making a mistake. What other place has as much potential to train up the future board members?

Thank you Walt for discussing things like this! Your input as an APA and ABA Judge and leader is very valuable.


Well peers think I'm crazy for hanging out on this site, but I do think it is the future of the hobby and that is why I post here......even though I was asked by a person to stop posting here this morning. When I first started in poultry I had some issues with the "old guys" too and so instead of whining about it I became involved in the management of the APA/ABA. Everyone knows how to whine, but not too many people do anything about "problems". The APA/ABA Board members are the ones who are able to vote things in or out........ it is not my Committee or even the Presidents of either club.

I don't have much use for people who complain but don't do anything to change the situation.....and those are the folks who complain the most. When I want something done, I research the history of why it is that way to find out if it is even smart to change it. Change to just change something is not always a good course of action. If you still feel it would serve the fancy......not just because you think it should something about it.

The reality is that these kinds of changes are ultimately voted on by the board or in some cases by the membership. If people really want it..... they will prevail.

Sitting behind a computer and just talking about it here is not going to get it done because the active ABA/APA membership does not hang out here.....yet.


In all seriousness, I am TRULY thankful for BYC. It has allowed me to connect with people like you, Walt, and pips&peeps and others. It has provided me with an introduction and starting point - to learn about the APA and the breed clubs - several of whom now have my money. Fabulous educational starting point. Sure, there is much nonsense but I've also made some invaluable, life long connections because of this forum. Like Kathy, I am another one that truly appreciates that some of the "big boys" such as you and Jean are willing to put up with the nonsense and help those of us that want to - learn.

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