Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Thanks : ) . Yeah I wasn't sure if I had any splash . Cause I wanted the straight colors more : ) (like blues and blacks ) . When my chicks get older I'll post some pics of them . They are in their akward teen look with baby fuzz still XD
Genetically is there a difference between a "Black Splash" and a "Blue Splash"? Aren't they both basically black birds with two doses of dilution? (One dose = blue, two doses = splash?)

Forgive me if I'm way off here; I'm trying to wrangle equine color genetics into the poultry world.

Genetically there is just Splash (Bl/Bl). No qualifier. Double dose of blue. That's it. Single dose of Bl is a blue bird. Black bird has no Bl. There is no black splash.

I assume Splash Wheaten is actually a Wheaten bird with a double dose of blue, therefore, Splash Wheaten.
I know this is the Ameraucana thread but some of you seem to be quite knowledgeable about feather quality, especially in reading your discussions about the deterioration of in Lavendars and having to breed back to good quality blacks (can't remember what you called the poor quality feathers).........My question is about Delawares I am breeding and their deteriorating feather quality. My first breeding last year was with two different lines, decent birds, nice feathers. Offspring were definite improvements in size, colour, etc, but I was seeing some curlyish looking feathers in some. Consensus on the Delaware thread (with posted pics) was it was worn feathers/environment. Not the case, the young were born with these shredded/curly looking feathers and I am breeding several different breeds and nothing like it in any of the others. Now, after breeding the best 2 daughters back to Original Dad, some of the babies feathers look extremely shredded, you can really see it in their tails. The problem is getting worse. Any advise? Do I need to start over with new stock?? My plan has been to build the barn first and loving the progress there but this problem is looking bad to me! My next breeding is planned with the one Son I culled down to and two of the original Moms. His feathers look great as do his Dads.............. Further info: I feed a 19% all purpose ration as always have youngsters mixed in the main flock, supplement with handfulls of cat food every couple of days as can not find a local feed with animal proteins in it, birds free range all daylight hours, they get sprouted oats every 2-3 days and limited treats of Boss/Cracked Corn/Wheat and free choice oyster shell. In the breeding pens I alternate ACV and Vitamins in the water each week and most of the breeder hens still get out to free range.
I know this is the Ameraucana thread but some of you seem to be quite knowledgeable about feather quality, especially in reading your discussions about the deterioration of in Lavendars and having to breed back to good quality blacks (can't remember what you called the poor quality feathers).........My question is about Delawares I am breeding and their deteriorating feather quality. My first breeding last year was with two different lines, decent birds, nice feathers. Offspring were definite improvements in size, colour, etc, but I was seeing some curlyish looking feathers in some. Consensus on the Delaware thread (with posted pics) was it was worn feathers/environment. Not the case, the young were born with these shredded/curly looking feathers and I am breeding several different breeds and nothing like it in any of the others. Now, after breeding the best 2 daughters back to Original Dad, some of the babies feathers look extremely shredded, you can really see it in their tails. The problem is getting worse. Any advise? Do I need to start over with new stock?? My plan has been to build the barn first and loving the progress there but this problem is looking bad to me! My next breeding is planned with the one Son I culled down to and two of the original Moms. His feathers look great as do his Dads.............. Further info: I feed a 19% all purpose ration as always have youngsters mixed in the main flock, supplement with handfulls of cat food every couple of days as can not find a local feed with animal proteins in it, birds free range all daylight hours, they get sprouted oats every 2-3 days and limited treats of Boss/Cracked Corn/Wheat and free choice oyster shell. In the breeding pens I alternate ACV and Vitamins in the water each week and most of the breeder hens still get out to free range.

Do you have pictures?


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