Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I don't have tons of experience with wheaten.
But about blues... crossing a black and white does not make blue.  Blue is made when a bird inherits one copy of "Bl" the blue or color diluting gene.  When  a bird inherits two copies of the blue gene  Bl/Bl then the bird has a double dose of the diluting gene and will appear white with spots of  color here and there.  This is called Splash.  It is not really a white bird.  It still really is a black bird with two copies of the gene that dilutes color.
This may seem like splitting hairs but white and splash are two very different things.

When a black bird with no Bl gene is bred with a splash bird that has two copies all the offspring will be blue because the splash parent gives one copy of the blue gene.  The black parent cannot pass on a blue gene obviously. 

I don't know much but I have studied my blue-black-splash genetics.  lol

Sorry, I wasn't clear in my post.  I do know that white and splash are different and that white and black can not make blue.  But I have seen some people who don't understand the basics of how B/B/S work approach it with the idea that you could cross a white bird with a black bird and get blue.  I really meant it more of an example of how breeding colors in birds is nothing like mixing paint colors and did not intend to make it seem as though you could get a blue bird from a white and a black.

Oh! You joke? Lol :lol:
These are the very first set of Ameraucanas that I hatched. They are about 4 months old. I know they aren't perfect but they are a bunch of clowns and I love them just the same. =)

Me? Lol
5am my alarm goes off and I check messages on my iphone while the coffee brews then kids kids kids. Lol
My kids go to a charter school 1 1/2 hours from our house so the day starts early here. Lol

I read an article on yahoo. It said that the worst traffic in the country is in Hawaii. I would think and 1.5 drive you would end up in the Pacific, LOL.
I have a 6 month old black cockerel that I need some advice on. I am going to post a pic sometime soon, I just need him to cooperate! I recently got my SOP. I feel like I have not read anything that is so open to interpretation. I think he has a fault, I am not going to say what it is, because I want you guys to guess. I want to not cloud your opinion by what I say. I am hoping for some honest feedback. I will not be hurt. I will say, that I have been very attached to this boy since he was a peep. My heart will be devastated, but my brain will not allow me to use him. Unless of course he has some other really good qualities??? We will see.

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