Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Could I get some help sexing these two? I think the black one is a pullet...but I'm not sure on the blue. They are 9 weeks old. I appreciate any help =)

The black

The blue

I have two Lavender Ameraucanas left, that I'm keeping from the 16/25 eggs that hatched.

I picked out two pullets, above is Jubilee a friendly little one. Mine are from Secret Garden Poultry over in CA and these chicks are awesome, I recommend them.
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I agree with Cloverleaf. I was going to say they both looked like pullets to me, until I got to the last two pictures on the blue. He has a pretty girly comb, but I can see some pointy saddle feathers coming in on that boy!
I'm in N.Ga but can hatch some eggs if you're planning to be up this way.

Here is a video of one of my young pullets. I have not spent a lot of time with them and was surprised at how friendly and curious they were.

Me? Lol

5am my alarm goes off and I check messages on my iphone while the coffee brews then kids kids kids. Lol

My kids go to a charter school 1 1/2 hours from our house so the day starts early here. Lol

I read an article on yahoo.  It said that the worst traffic in the country is in Hawaii.  I would think and 1.5 drive you would end up in the Pacific, LOL.

Worst traffic in the country??! Where do they come up with this stuff? Maybe they meant Honolulu... Which is about 5 islands and hundreds of miles away from me. Lol. I can drive for 1 1/2 hours and only see 20 cars on the road. The Big Island is twice the size of all the other islands put together with only fraction of population. It would take all day to drive around the island. I live in the couNTREEE. Lol
I have a 6 month old black cockerel that I need some advice on. I am going to post a pic sometime soon, I just need him to cooperate! I recently got my SOP. I feel like I have not read anything that is so open to interpretation. I think he has a fault, I am not going to say what it is, because I want you guys to guess. I want to not cloud your opinion by what I say. I am hoping for some honest feedback. I will not be hurt. I will say, that I have been very attached to this boy since he was a peep. My heart will be devastated, but my brain will not allow me to use him. Unless of course he has some other really good qualities??? We will see.

He is 6 months old today. Please give honest critiques. Thank you!!!

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