Americaunas!! Post pics of yours!!

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Oooo....I love her coloring.
Our newest little ones.
Bruiser at 4 weeks:

and our two Banty EEs at 4 weeks:


I love the little gold and silver one. The kids named him Token. I think he is going to be a gorgeous roo.

Yes, Shelby is one of the more dominant ones. My husband said it's because she is white, she is different from all the others and has to be tougher so she doesn't get picked on. Makes sense to me.

She lets me hold her and "talks" to me in a soft cooing sound. Very cute.

My post office experience was fine. All arrived in good shape and my mail people were taking care of them until I got there.
I am jealous of you all! I want some but can't find any around here and don't want to order any chicks. Maybe next Spring I'll get some. I just thin they are a very good looking chicken and they laying green, blue, and pink eggs is just a bonus.
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