amount of sunlight needed


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 15, 2007
i have always had my coops outside where the critters got plenty of sunlight mainly because thats the only place i could put em.i am in the "design" stages of some new pens and having looked at all the different ideas on here, i am seeing alot of pens that are inside and/or underneath some sort of shed/barn which completely shades the birds.just curious if it matters or not? im assuming it doesnt as mmany would not be doing this but it came to mind and thought i would get some imput.
My dad pointed out that you'd want a coop that provides full shelter to everything but then the run can have access to sunlight. The problem with sticking them in full sun that I see is that your pretty much baking them. They can overheat and I think this would cause that. Of course this depends on how hot your summers get. Here in Oklahoma our summers get around 100 degrees and sometimes a little above. Gets prett hot here and I know If I had full sun here all day, i'd be toast. So try to provide them a good mixture of both shade and sun. Every living thing needs sun, so don't deprive them of it but don't make them bake in it. Hope this makes since and helps.
well thats what i thought but what about the folks that are housing them in and under these shed/barns? they are not exposed to any direct sunlight.that was my main question.i know better than to bake em;)
The birds might be able to get enough reflected sunlight to survive but if you could make it so yours have access to full sun, they might be happier birds. The feed we get is so fortified that they can be used on caged layers or broilers who never see the light of day.

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