

8 Years
Mar 3, 2011
hello i am getting some amurcans and goin to start breeding them for intense egg laying and clouer eggs any one any bad qualities that i should breed out of them
There are good threads in this section, but you will want to get the names and spellings straight. I am guessing you are talking about Ameraucanas; there are also Araucanas, and a mixed breed chicken that hatcheries sell, that they call Ameraucanas but which are actually Easter Eggers. Hopefully with that much to start with, you can find your own info on this forum (I don't know much of anything about breeds beyond the names.)
Could also mean american games, and that is anohter entirely separate breed. I have no idea what you mean by "clouer."

If we know which breed you mean, we can perhaps answer better. None of these are really noted for their laying ability; games probably more than the ameraucanas or araucanas.
I imagine "clouer" is color, or colour, of the egg. Here is Henderson's breed chart, which at least will give you breed names and egg color. It certainly won't give you breed standard information, though. However, there are links at the left for most of them to Feathersite pics of each breed, and these are generally show quality birds.

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