If you were to choose a hen strictly for their personality, which ones would you take home?

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5 Years
Hello everyone... I am really excited to be here and I look forward to all of the experience and knowledge you might be willing to share! My name is Mina and I live on top of a mountain in central PA, about 2100' elevation. We have 250 acres, most of it brush and woodland. We get really cold up here in the winter but it's great in the summer. My husband and I live with our old big dog and our middle-aged little dog, enjoying a little more quiet time as we age. We lived in urban areas for most of our lives so every day in this log home is a dream come true.

We don't currently have chickens but that is why I found you- ;-) BYC happened to have a search link regarding different breeds of chickens and that is how I fell into the group. I think you will all be invaluable...

There are many reasons I believe chickens would be a wonderful addition to my family but, primarily, I'm very concerned over our growing infestation with ticks around here, something I understand will be a very happy surprise for any hen I give a home to. I also would enjoy a few colored eggs here or there but quantity is irrelevant since there are only 2 of us. Mostly, I am an avid animal lover and I would like to get chickens whose personalities include enjoying being close to people and who will do well with one another. I intend to keep them for life and spoil them rotten so that might make a difference in who I would choose. I love the unusual looks of the Polish, the Brahmas, and others who don't conform to the average chicken picture you saw in school. So, right now, my biggest focus is on finding the "right" chickens to fill our family.

The next step (or maybe the first step, I have no idea) is to determine what type of coop they will do best in, considering the strong winters and lots of wildlife predation possibilities. I want to keep them safe and let them run around during the day, as weather allows, and then sleep safely at night, keeping them as healthy as it's possible to do. I guess I also need to figure out the best number of hens to have so they are kept as well as I can.

There are SO many informational offerings that it seems overwhelming. I will be grateful for any help I can receive here!

Hi Mina, it's nice to have you here with us! I haven't had all those breeds you're considering so will leave that up to people that have had them.

When it comes to building your coop, be sure to go larger than you think you'll need. Chicken math has a way of happening!

Best wishes, thanks for joining us!
Hello Mina and welcome to BYC - thanks for joining us. Please make yourself at home.

This is a useful link of “How to” BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3. I’d suggest including your location using the guide in the link. You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Hello! Welcome to BYC!! :frow

Another bird to consider if you have tick problems are guineas. From what I've read they can wreak havoc on the tick population :)

Feel free to check out the links below for some interesting reading. Good luck on your adventures!
We were originally going that route because the local Amish families had strongly recommended them. After further research, it appears that they love being wild SO much that they are difficult to get into a safe environment at night, when our predators come out- most people say you are lucky if they make it one season because they won't come out of the trees and the owls, raccoons, etc. attack them. Since trying to train them to do something they don't want to do is difficult or impossible, we started researching chickens and they seemed a better fit. We did LOVE the videos of the guineas scurrying around, sounding their alarm clocks, acting like little busybodies... hysterical!
Yes, chickens are much easier to contain! I've never had guineas but I keep threatening to get some. I know they'd abandon me and end up by our pond or on the neighbors land. Which they may or may not like ;) I've also heard they are snake eaters, which is what I was after!
By the way, my brahmas are the first ones to come running when I go outside, and I've got a very curious golden cuckoo maran. My polish are skittish little buggers. Fun to watch, though :)
Welcome to BYC!
Below is a great article for getting started and you can check out the breed chart inside it. See also helpful links.

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