And the Fugly Award goes to...

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007

Poor little Mabel! It's not her fault... Wow, someone tell me that she'll be my most beautiful lady yet!

And what the heck is the deal with these feathers??


She's got a purebred buff silkie mom, and an americauna (however it's spelled) dad, although not sure if he's technically 'purebred' or not.

Someone else must have this mix! Can you post me a pic of your grown up bird so I can figure this all out? Those don't really look like silkie feathers to me.. more like regular-but-weird feathers.

I love her just the same.. but wow. My mom told me if she wasn't mine she'd think she was ill...


P.S. sorry for poor photo quality.. asking for a better camera from SANTA! And the color is a bit off, too. She's not really that buff color, more like.. creamy with gray patches
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I would give her a good poultry supplement like Avia Charge 2000 (you can purchase online from McMurry or Strombergs)
The brownish chicken in my avatar is a half silkie/half amercauna (EE?). Silkie was the mom.

She does have goofy feathers. Some places they are silkie, some places normal. Those pictures look about like how my hen grows feathers. She is fluffy over her body and bum, and has clumpy flight feathers on her wings. She has never quite fully grown in the feathers on her back either after her last moult. She has black skin and five toes and lays a very light green egg.

This is the only photo I have of her at work!
HEY! We should have a Fugly contest- everyone post pics of their Fuglies, then we all vote. It would be good clean fun!
We could have a contest for the prettiest ones too!
You guys are too funny. Actually, she sort of looks cuter in that pic than in real life.. she doesn't seem so fuzzy when she's not in a magazine shoot
. She does have a cute fluffy bunny tail, though.

Greenmulberry, your hen is pretty! And you've bagged the feathers exactly. Some seem almost normal, some look like silkie.. most are neither. Can't wait to see how she'll feather out. I'd love to see pics of your lady when she was young.


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