Anemic chicken

Slicker chicker

Sep 20, 2023
Hello ladies! I have a Smokey pearl hen that is developing a cross beak. She was infested in lice and I have been treating her with DE and a poultry spray from Tractor Supply, and she’s doing good with that. But now she has ZERO energy. I’ve been giving her supplements from rooster booster, nutridrench and b12 or the poultry cell, but I believe she is anemic. I was going to try some elk I have in the freezer. How much would you recommend that she get and for how long? I don’t want to over do her. She is one of my faves, she’s always been so friendly. I am sitting on my front steps cuddling her in a blanket she looked so cold. She always just looks miserable and I’ve lost a few lately and my heart can’t take watching her like this. I want to save her. My local vets don’t do chickens. Any advice is welcome! Thank you.


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DE won't do anything for mites and can create breathing issues with you and your birds.
Unfortunately, cuddling her in a blanket might be making it hard for her to breathe.
What's her diet?
Try red meat, like hamburger.
DE won't do anything for mites and can create breathing issues with you and your birds.
Unfortunately, cuddling her in a blanket might be making it hard for her to breathe.
What's her diet?
Try red meat, like hamburger.
DE doesn’t work on lice? That’s a bummer, I read that it does. I been checking her and she doesn’t have lice like she did. Every time I held her, I’d have them on me but that hasn’t happened for a while now. Seems now we are just super lethargic from all the bites. I feed an organic feed from a local business, mega layer with omega 3, 17% protein. I also give treats like flygrubs and scratch grains.
DE doesn’t work on lice? That’s a bummer, I read that it does. I been checking her and she doesn’t have lice like she did. Every time I held her, I’d have them on me but that hasn’t happened for a while now. Seems now we are just super lethargic from all the bites. I feed an organic feed from a local business, mega layer with omega 3, 17% protein. I also give treats like flygrubs and scratch grains.
How often does she get treats and how much.
DE barely works in the right environment, which it completely try with under 75% humidity.
How often does she get treats and how much.
DE barely works in the right environment, which it completely try with under 75% humidity.
I think @nuthatched meant "IS completely DRY with..." etc. Sorry, nuthatched, I do the same thing a lot, have to remember to go back and proofread or I miss a lot of typos these days.
They get grubs daily. About 3 cups for 23 chickens and a couple turkeys.
That does sound like a lot of treats. Mostly they need their balanced nutrition. Treats should comprise only 10% of their daily intake or less - just a couple tablespoons per chicken per day. Try wetting their regular food and offering it as a mash, they'll consider it a treat and still get good balanced diet. Just don't let it sit out and get moldy.

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