Angel wing early stage?


Oct 7, 2022
One of my new ducks looks like it is developing angel wing. It was the second to the runt in the group that I got last month. I have noticed a couple weeks ago that it’s wings were droopy but attributed it to the beginning of growing feathers and getting used to that feeling. Then this week I noticed the feathers looking like they are sticking out. I started them on Dumor Duck which is 22% for 4 weeks then dropped them down to the Purina duck which is 19% until last week when I noticed the feathers looking off. Now they are on the Dumor all flock which is 17% and will keep them in that until they are fully feathered out and laying. I got Khakis back in October and used the same step down for them without issue. Everything I’ve read says there is no smoking gun and the fact that only this one is developing this compared to the other 8 seems to track. I plan to get some vet wrap or gauze and athletic tape to wrap the wings up in hopes chip jr (named for our runty dog) will build up the muscles in their wings. Any feedback would be appreciated, Thanks!


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Are they sticking out or up away from the body? It doesn't look like angel wing from the pictures. Droopy wings that the ducks try to continually adjust are normal when pin feathers grown in. This is because they are filled with blood which makes them heavy at first until they grow out (what you are seeing with the tubes over the feathers in your pictures). With angel wing, the wing sticks out to the sides or up past the body and out. If the wind drags consistently that is also a concern, but from your pictures I do not see angel wing just yet.
One of my new ducks looks like it is developing angel wing. It was the second to the runt in the group that I got last month. I have noticed a couple weeks ago that it’s wings were droopy but attributed it to the beginning of growing feathers and getting used to that feeling. Then this week I noticed the feathers looking like they are sticking out. I started them on Dumor Duck which is 22% for 4 weeks then dropped them down to the Purina duck which is 19% until last week when I noticed the feathers looking off. Now they are on the Dumor all flock which is 17% and will keep them in that until they are fully feathered out and laying. I got Khakis back in October and used the same step down for them without issue. Everything I’ve read says there is no smoking gun and the fact that only this one is developing this compared to the other 8 seems to track. I plan to get some vet wrap or gauze and athletic tape to wrap the wings up in hopes chip jr (named for our runty dog) will build up the muscles in their wings. Any feedback would be appreciated, Thanks!
I have one that has angel wing on one side his stuck out differently then your pics
But I have had others look like yours during the feathering in who were fine and it never turned into it
I have attached a picture of my little one at the vet getting it checked
Unfortunately he wouldn’t keep the bandage on so he will always have it
But he gets along just fine
I can’t get duck feed here so I use chicken feed but I kept him on starter way to long. I was told by the vet it’s my fault he had it. I now do the starter 22% till 2 weeks then switch over to grower 16% every 3 days of 3/4-1/4 then 1/2-1/2 then 1/4-3/4 so by 3-3.5 weeks they are fully on grower
I have never had the issue again
He has fathered over 50 babies and none of them have it
Vet told me by 3 weeks they should be at 16% protein to avoid angel wing


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Are they sticking out or up away from the body? It doesn't look like angel wing from the pictures. Droopy wings that the ducks try to continually adjust are normal when pin feathers grown in. This is because they are filled with blood which makes them heavy at first until they grow out (what you are seeing with the tubes over the feathers in your pictures). With angel wing, the wing sticks out to the sides or up past the body and out. If the wind drags consistently that is also a concern, but from your pictures I do not see angel wing just yet.
They are more up away from the body. They droop and do not lay flat against the body. It looks like their body needs to fill out and they would lay flat against them. They at 6 weeks right now rolling into 7 and I want to be proactive.
They are more up away from the body. They droop and do not lay flat against the body. It looks like their body needs to fill out and they would lay flat against them. They at 6 weeks right now rolling into 7 and I want to be proactive.
Do you have a picture from the top view? I raise a breed prone to angel wing and have dealt with it many times. What you have described and from your pictures it does not look like angel wing.
I went back and got some more pictures directly over them. Let me know if these give a better look. I have a bunch more and can always got take more if needed. :)


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I went back and got some more pictures directly over them. Let me know if these give a better look. I have a bunch more and can always got take more if needed. :)
Eh, maybe. With the new feathers growing in it could be giving it that slightly wonky appearance but it doesn't scream angel wing to me.
You can always wrap it though. Better safe than sorry.
I agree. It might be early angel wing. Hard to tell sometimes until it really starts sticking out

I'll tell you what I did that was suuuuper easy: I got a sock, cut off the foot part, and put the ankle part around my ducks like a little sweater. I left that on a couple of days, making sure the feathers were tucked correctly under the sock. I don't know that I will ever do the vet wrap thing again. Here's a pic. Kinda hard to see because I used a white sock on a white duck ..

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