Angel Wing Treatment



May 30, 2016
Finger Lakes, NY
I've noticed a lot of discussion about angel wing in ducks lately and after having just dealt with it for the first time myself, I wanted to try to help others if possible. Now let me reiterate that I've only dealt with it just recently in two of my ducklings. I did not invent the method, but was instead following this video. It is also not the only way of dealing with it since every duck and owner are different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Still, if there are any questions and/or suggestions, feel free to post them. Sharing your experiences here may help others who are looking for answers!

What Is Angel Wing?
Angel wing is essentially when the flight feathers of the young bird develop faster than the muscles that usually hold them up. When the muscles can't take the sudden weight, the wing droops, causing the carpal bones to twist outward. This can then become permanent if not treated properly. It is not a death sentence, but it does prevent them from ever flying, and poses a high risk of catching on things. It's simple to fix, so there's no reason not to.

What Causes It?
All we have are theories at this point. The most common is that a diet too high in protein is to blame, causing them to grow too quickly. Another possibility is genetics. What we do know is that it seems to afflict the left wing the most.

P.S. My apologies on the poor video quality! My sister was kind enough to record it using her phone and I had to edit out sections where my ducklings decided that they no longer wanted to be involved, evidenced by my Saxony stress panting at the end. Maybe someday I'll redo it.

Can someone tell me what vet tape is? Is it sticky on one side? I don't think putting tape directly on the wing is safe?
It sticks to itself, not hair, skin or feathers. It's cheapest at feed stores, but is also sold for people in the first aid section of most stores like Walmart, Walgreens and Target. Comes in 4 sizes, 1", 2", 3", and 4". I use the 4" and cut down to size because it's cheapest that way.
vetrap_1_4inch.png vetrap_1_oneinch.jpg
Hey @RubyNala97 how is your cutie pie doing now?
Thanks for asking! He is doing great!! The infection in the wing is all healed up and the angel wing is totally gone! Plus, he was the runt for a long time (half the size of his hatch mates so he was super easy to pick out) now he’s caught up to them and I have a hard time picking him out. But he’s gotten used to me handling him throughout our entire experience so he’s the one that doesn’t give me a hard time when I pick them up! :) I’ll get a pic this afternoon.
Im not sure I did this correctly, was just trying to get something on to stay. Hopefully it will stay on long enough to do some good. I did the wing alone first. Then added another piece around the body under the other wing. My first try at it, so please let me know if I did anything that looks wrong or hurtful.
I wrapped the wing exactly like @Vyctoria showed in her video!:highfive: Good timing. But she picked at it and her broken wing would be drooping on the ground when I got home. So I rewrapped. Then I cut one of my leggings (that I bought then realized it was so thin and I would likely find myself on a FB people of Walmart page:lau). I cut the bottom 8 inches off of 1 leg. Then slipped it over her and the wrapped wing. Now she can’t pick it off and the wing is secured for healing. But if you taped angel wing, it probably won’t take more than a week if you tape it 24/7.
I am unsure if one of my young Muscovies has angel wing, or just heavy blood feathers making both wings droop and basically touch the ground at times. The blood feathers are huge and not yet fully feathered out. It can put its wings in a normal position, but when it lays down, it usually just lets the wings rest on the ground and flop however gravity takes them. I will try to get some good pics. to share here. I read that blood feathers can cause wings to droop for a week, but this has now been about 10 days of drooping and now I'm worried about angel wing. This Muscovy is now a couple of days past 9 weeks old.

I got vet wrap today and hubby is going out with me now to wrap both her wings as shown in the video. It won't hurt to help support her heavy blood feathers if it isn't angel wing, right?

Thank you to each of you and thanks for the wonderful video!

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