Another Canadian Signing in!

aka Rachel

10 Years
Sep 15, 2009
Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
*waves* Hello all! I'm so happy to be on the forums and here on our newly purchased hobby farm. I've been shopping for a hobby farm (I make no bones about it, DH was dragged along, lol) now for about two years..had to have all the right bits see! Needed land, cleared and forested, needed barns...oh right and needed a house with plumbing and electricity, at least so said DH

So needless to say, as the hunt for the 'perfect' property wore on, my plans were brewing! There are SO many things I want to do *drifts for a moment in contemplation* oh! and chickens were the first. I knew that was going to be tricky seeing as we moved in the beginning of august, but a DF offered a few mature hens to start out my flock.

Labor day weekend we finally got most of the coop built, waiting to finish up insulating and roofing still. I think we should have chickens in the coop in a few weeks!

Anyway, thats the start of my plans, I can't wait!
Welcome from another Canuck! It took us two years to find our place too and I started with chickens they very same month we moved in-September two years ago. We came with 2 dogs and a cat, now have chickens, duck, horses, more cats, quail, rabbits, and I'm not done yet. Just pausing until I have more barn space. It was my dream too, hubs didn't really want to leave suburbia, but he loves it now, and I love him not feeling the need to keep up with the Joneses.
hello and welcome from another fellow (gal) Canadian.

I finally got my dream too, of having an acreage, waited 35 years for mine. I am slowly converting my city boy hubby to a farmhand, hahaha.
I started the process by making him turn the hay shed into a coop. He has no idea about chickens, well, he's learning, lol.

We moved to the acreage with two dogs , a cat and some fish.

soon to have horse (s), rabbit (s), ducks, chickens first of courses, so I guess it's true, chickens really did come first.

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