Another Color Question

The peahen is so young it might take a while to know for sure if that is a white patch or not...She could still be coloring in...
Fair enough, but one of my adults has an almost identical spot. The spot in question is no larger that my pinky nail.
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The hen in post #11 does not have a throat patch as pieds do,,it would extend down her neck maybe a total of 1 1/2",,much more noticable than the hen in the pic has. She may carry pied and not show it tho.
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The hen in post #11 does not have a throat patch as pieds do,,it would extend down her neck maybe a total of 1 1/2",,much more noticable than the hen in the pic has. She may carry pied and not show it tho.
FWIW, I should add that both the hens with the itty bitty patches also have the white primaries. Just trying to learn!
Where do white eye. gene fit in between pied, split to pied, single factored or double factored white Eye. How to identify peafowl with single or double copy white eye gene alone if sucha bird exists? Do these peafowl carry white flights and or throat patch alxo Thanks?.
Well, I am learning more and more. And when I read a question and answer it in my head before reading the next post I am thrilled if I get it right!
Genetics is something I have been studying for many years. However, poultry gives me more fits than mammals. I am trying to remember all the formulas for all these different pattern/colored birds.

Fascinating stuff! Thank you, everyone!
Minx Thanks for sharing the old post by Deerman. By far one of the most knowledgable people that has been on this forum since it's existence. Brings back some great memories of him.

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