Another dumb question, Ducks and feathers


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
Manvel Texas
Ok, my babies:
are now about 4-5wks old. Ive noticed that my Pekins are losing the yellow color and turning white, even see tail feathers standing up, and my Mallard is turning brown, and my Blue swedish has a dime size spot of dark gray here and there. Now what I'd like to know is when I see there true colors? I mean example, Racer my mallard, I see brown feathers, when will I see actual drake colors, deep green, or blue....or if a hen, the gray with the blue colors?....

What age? thanks!!! sorry still learning ducks...know chickens after 2yrs now, and I was new then, now its this....
My duck / drakes are usually fully coloured by 18 weeks old. They will molt and the colours will change a few times before they are finished in full plumage.
wow! that long, I guess I have like 14wks to go Im so in patient!!!! lol
I thought the loud duck, Cooper was a drake since it was noisy then I find out its the females that are chatty....the other one Calli, is very quite, not a sound even if I pick him up, and I thought it was a
Keep watching the head of the mallard... it will get a green "sheen" at about 5 months. After that he will transform into the traditional mallard colorings including neck ring in white.

Before that, mallard males and females look alike ....EXCEPT for the "quack". The females will be loud and noisy, the males will have a raspy hoarse voice.
Ok, thank you very much!!! Im so excited!!!

Today I have to make sure they are secure, just saw news, we have severe thunderstorms coming with high winds, and cold front behind that down to 47....have work to do....thanks!

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