Another Hatch


Chicken Picken
Aug 28, 2019
L.I. , NY
My Coop
My Coop
Long time no post . My birds are 4 years old now , the Red Stars are hardly laying but the Barred Rocks are still at almost and egg a day . The Red Stars are going , I'll keep the Barred Rocks for now , but I need more egg layers . I just got 18 eggs from a freind , he has EE"s , BO's Leghorns and various roosters so the eggs should be fertile . Got out the NR 360 and got the eggs in this afternoon . The kids are just as excited as they were when we hatched the last batch for my daughter . Hopefully all will go good .

Checked the rest of the eggs , out of the 18 we have 15 developing and 3 question marks . We think we see veining in one of the questionable eggs but not sure , will check those 3 in a day or so . If we can't see anything then we'll get rid of those.
Checked the 3 question marks again today , one we see veining/embryo , one we still see nothing , and the last we are still not sure . We cracked open the one we saw nothing and sure enough nothing , it never started . We will check the last question mark in another day or so , we think it has started, just not sure .
Made it to lock down with 16 eggs , turner rack is removed , filled reservoir A & B . Candled all the eggs one last time , they all look good . A few more days .

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