Another Hatch

12 in the brooder , 2 eggs still in incubator , one did start zipping late last night but now nothing , I'll check again soon . The other never pipped or zipped . I'm pretty sure that one is gone . So looks like we ended up with 12 (maybe 13) out of the 16 that went into lock down . I'll take those results any day .
12 was the final number , The 2 eggs that were in the incubator this morn were indeed gone . So 12 hatched out of 16 at lock down . I'll take those numbers any day . The NR 360 worked pretty much flawlessly . Temp held steady at 99.5 F, humidity held at 50-55 % first 18 days , when I filled chamber B humidity held at 72% . Turner worked perfect and shut off after 18th day . Just had to monitor water and vent . Now on to waiting and figuring out what we have as far as pullets & Roos .

Chicks are 13 weeks old today . 8 pullets and 4 roos . Gave 3 of the roos away . Here;s a pic of a few of the pullets , they are a mix , all look to have some EE in them . They are all doing quite well .
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Congratulations. Glad you got a good number of pullets out of it. That white one is a real good looking bird. I have never seen one quite like it.
Thank you . Yes, we did pretty good with the pullet to roo ratio with this hatch. That white bird is a beauty , green legs , green beak . I've never seen one like her either . My daughter says she's gonna birdnap her .
The chickies are going on 21 weeks old this Thursday , 11/03/2023 and look what I found inside the coop today . About half size of a normal egg .
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