Another Lavender Orpington sexing question.



9 Years
Oct 27, 2014
Just north of Indianapolis
Is there any hope at all that these are pullets?

Supposedly 16-18 weeks old. I got them last night from somebody I know. She couldn’t remember when they were hatched, but knew it was “spring”. So I was thinking, 6 months old, pullets getting close to laying, no big deal if combs are getting red. But this morning seeing them running around loose in daylight, I don’t think they are anywhere near 6 months old. So I asked her to find out the hatch date, and it turns out she bought them on July 30th, and the breeder said “6-8 weeks old”. That puts them at 16-18 weeks now.

That gives me some hope, but I just went out and took photos for this thread, and I see male saddle feathers coming in on the one with the smaller comb.:hit

So, what do any of you Orpington experts think?

I'm leaning towards both being pullets although not too sure on the one that is closest to the camera on the last photo
Looks like they have shredded feathers, which is a genetic fault associated with the self blue or lavender color.:) I do not see any definitive saddle feathers.
At 16-18 weeks I'd say pullets. Lav orps are VERY early combers.

Oh, bless you all!!

I will tell my friend there is still hope.

She had a 3rd one running around last night that I was positive was a boy, so I didn’t buy him. That should have triggered me to suspect these of being boys too, but I just thought they were pullets so I didn’t think too hard about it.

It won’t be the first time I’ve been wrong. I want these for my chocolate orpington cockerel, who was supposed to be a pullet when I bought him. I’ve got to stop going around town collecting peoples cockerels! I’ve already got too many of my own to try to sell. :barnie

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