Another OEGB Genetic question

it's just easier to make their tails look full if they have 16 feathers... others may only have 10 or 14 whatever... but i've seen some with 12 feathers that have HUGE tails... i think they look nicer with less tail feathers but with a nice spacing between them... all my seramas have 16 tail feathers... when they have a lot of tail feathers they kind of get that serama look...

but someone on here has some nice spangles with huge tails... i think got game has them... i'm not sure... gorgeous birds...
lol, thanks gumbii...the reason I was asking is now a moot point, I sold the bird I was askin about...
ya, I put the for a pretty good price on craigslist, didnt figure I would sell them for that....oops lol....I have cut my old english colors down to a more manageable number, brown reds, brassy/blue brassy and spangle/blue spangle. The blue spangle will be an experiment, not sure how they are gonna work...
i did that a couple of months back... had white based mille fleur, crele, blue bared, lemon blue, isabel and even some sebrights i got rid of... now i'm just focusing on normal mille fleurs (show quality with 14 tail feathers LOL...), self blue (SQ2) and porcelains that are also SQ... and the shamo's that just started laying... LOL...

it's easier to become a breeder with a small number of birds than a propagator with a bunch of different colors and stuff... i like to have control too... line breeding FTMFW!...
I would love to see pics of your mille fleurs and your porcelains....if the blue spangles dont work out, blue milles or porcelains will take their place...

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