Answer from Purina


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
...about feeding their Sunfresh feed. I'll be switching to it as soon as the co-op gets my order in.

Thank you for contacting us. Start & Grow can be feed from hatch to 18 to 20 weeks. You start feeding the Layena between 18 to 20 weeks and it can be fed to the roosters as well. When switching foods it is always a good idea to do a gradual change.
(Just FYI, for those who asked.)
Thanks for posting that. Do you know if larger breed chicks need to be started on Flock Raiser since it has more protein? The back of my Purina bag says I should be feeding Start & Grow to my small to medium breeds and Flock Raiser to my medium to large breeds. Since I have both small and large, I wondered which is better, or if it makes any difference?
If you are feeding meat birds, use the Flock Raiser. I have always used Start and Grow for all my chickens, maximum growth rate is not necessarily the healthiest long term.

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