antibiotics-how long until they take effect

typically 24 to 72 hours depending on the antibiotic, you should start to notice improvement very soon. Continue to give the entire treatment as directed even if she looks perfectly fine
Sadly she died today.
I waited way too long to give her some. I assumed she was eggbound and kept trying to treat her for that. But now I have a life time supply of some! I don't know what was wrong with her. Only symptoms were no eggs, pasty poopy butt. Ate until this morning. She didn't have anything else visibly wrong. Got sluggish the last few days.
Folks, if you don't know what is wrong with your chicken, it impossible to effectively treat your chicken.

There are many types of illnesses and infections. They require different antibiotics.
I had a finch recently who was breathing hard. I called the vet and asked if I could buy some Erythromycin or Tetracycline at the pet store. The vet said 'no, don't do that', and asked me to bring him a poop sample and I did. He saw bacteria in the stool that could only be treated with a sulfa drug. So I bought some from him and treated the finch. She got better right away.

If I had bought the pet store antibiotic and put it in her water, it would not have worked and she would have died. I recommend having a vet that you work with. You don't have to bring the chicken in every time, but once a vet gets to know you and your flock, you can call and get directions for treating a chicken. There is no one wormer or antibiotic that will help all conditions. You have to know what is wrong first and then use the right medicine to treat it.

I am sorry for you loss! God bless you.
am sorry to hear that, really, I'm sure you did the best you could, its hard when they cant talk
its even harder when there isn't any one to confer with, most dr dont treat over the phone, you are lucky to have one that will
And I bet that "bacteria" they saw was actually a protozoa of the cocci family thus being treated with a sulfa drug used best for it's coccidiostat properties.

If you do not know what is wrong, 95% of the time it is not a bacteria so antibiotics won't fix the issue.

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